Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] she to " in BNC.

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1 He never took Kate home or mentioned her to his mother .
2 Not once had any man ever made her so mad … or roused her to such passion , a tiny treacherous voice whispered inside her head .
3 I mean , I might have had to shove the split match heads under Carol 's fingernails , or tie her to a tree and subject her to psychological warfare by , say , reading Hemingway aloud to her .
4 For more than a year Alexander , at the French King 's request , had been putting discreet pressure on Henry either to return Alice to her father or marry her to Richard .
5 by dismissing her or subjecting her to any detriment which results in her dismissal or consists in or involves her demotion .
6 ‘ I could not see one of my own kind suffer , ’ he said , ‘ or leave her to be attacked by crows ’
7 Tony found that the best thing to do was to put her in the buggy and push her round the town , or take her to the park .
8 Thorpe J. was faced with having to choose between accepting one or other of two courses of action — leaving W. where she was or transferring her to London — each of which was supported by responsible medical opinion .
9 I did n't want her to give herself over to the view of life that underlay all this , the philosophy that pinned her to the shadow-corners of the world .
10 And over all hummed and shimmered the warring coloured adverts for Spiderglass and Madreidetic and Usines du Rhône with a dozen others belting out music and olfacts that dizzied her to nausea .
11 Sister moved quickly , but it was other hands that helped her to her feet , strong male hands .
12 Certainly , it was these qualities that drew her to him in the first place , but now … these were not the true reasons why she stayed with him .
13 Even now the magnetism that drew her to him was so strong that if he knocked at her door and said he 'd changed his mind , in spite of everything , it might take more amor proprio than she could muster to refuse him .
14 " If that 's the trouble , you could n't do better than to entrust her to the skilled understanding of the Sisters . "
15 What was it about Luke Hunter that reduced her to such gibbering incoherence ?
16 There was a cruel taunt in his voice that cut her to the quick .
17 Anything would have been better than this ice-cold contempt that cut her to the bone .
18 It had been in his eyes when he lay on the bed staring rigidly at the ceiling , a terrifying , heart-rending pain that cut her to the bone .
19 The young woman in the plain suit was not intimidated by it , nor by the hand-carved plate that proclaimed her to be in the offices of Yeo , Davis and Partners .
20 He had to watch her carefully , he said , and if she felt like pottering around , that was good medicine , Anything was that encouraged her to be cheerful .
21 Heat flared along her veins , ripple after ripple of heady sensation that shook her to the very depths .
22 I pulled off the wires that joined her to my machine .
23 Building on the TV success that rocketed her to overnight fame , she is set to make TWO movies and is launching a promising pop career .
24 I ca n't put down exactly what she was like , only words that summon her to my mind , and this worries me , but it does n't really matter , since I know what she looked like , and this is being written just for me anyway .
25 She 's catching a train that gets her to Liverpool Street at two-twenty .
26 She did n't actually hear him come back into the room ; it was just the feeling of being watched that alerted her to his presence , and she turned her head warily .
27 Ariel , watching , wished that she too could defy the bonds that tied her to the earth , and her blood leapt with Dulé 's ascent .
28 She would cut the cord that bound her to them cleanly and irrevocably .
29 For now she was torn between two places and it was not the thought of her father that bound her to this place .
30 If she broke free now , before the silken bonds that bound her to Michele had a chance to grow any tighter , she might save herself untold heartache , if nothing else .
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