Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] by some " in BNC.

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1 Legitimate : ( a ) etymologically , the word expresses a status , which has been conferred or ratified by some authority ; ( b ) conformable to law or rule .
2 the bankruptcy of some person who is or may become beneficially entitled to any such property or income ; or 2. an assignment of or a charge on any such property or income being made or given by some such person ; or 3. in the case of a marriage settlement , the death of both parties to the marriage and of all or any of the children of the marriage ; or 4. the death under the age of 25 or some lower age of some person who would be beneficially entitled to that property or income on attaining that age .
3 To be protected , the information must be issued or approved by some person in authority .
4 I 'm not a retarded under-age flower who was raped or molested by some evil step-father — not by a long shot . ’
5 Even if the issue of architecture is resolved satisfactorily , or determined by some other overriding consideration , there still remains another problem : the combination of results .
6 Moreover , however arbitrary musical meanings and conventions are — rather than being ‘ natural ’ , or determined by some human essence or by the needs of class expression — once particular musical elements are put together in particular ways , and acquire particular connotations , these can be hard to shift .
7 He stepped forward and retreated at the little garden gate as though rebuffed by some force field or buffeted by some invisible gale which had no effect on the branches of the little trees and evergreens in the front gardens of the cottages .
8 Possibly because of this , he was not very popular with many fellow officers , although favoured by some of the more capable officers who appreciated his professionalism .
9 The move came amidst concern about the high levels of bad debt carried by the Nigerian banking system , particularly that held by some of the smaller banks set up in recent years .
10 The price alterations are a study in themselves , an example being the First Return from Craven Arms to Eaton , the original fare perhaps dating from the last century , crossed out and altered by some unfortunate clerk , by gas light , with a fine nib pen and a bottle of railway ink. , round about 1915 .
11 He 's a really good man , who is suffering from ‘ technology shock , ’ and reacting by some heavy psychological things .
12 Hockney was the odd man out in Kasmin 's stable of abstract artists , and resented by some of them as a result .
13 Foucault has been much analysed , and criticized by some on both theoretical and historical grounds ( Ignatieff , 1991 ; Garland , 1995 , 1990 ) — although even his critics in the field of penal sociology have been profoundly influenced by Foucault .
14 as if impelled by some nameless undertow , the mass of people gently flowed towards the doorway , some still holding their sherry glasses aloft .
15 He also had found Russell attractive — battered yet handsome and oppressed by some secret worry .
16 ‘ It was a conversion experience , ’ he says , ‘ I had seen his carvings in a vague sort of way already [ Esterly was then a post-graduate student at Cambridge and surrounded by some of Gibbons ' best work ] but I found myself looking at them there in St James 's as if for the first time .
17 Already suffering from physical ailment , and surrounded by some marvellous women who took it in turns to look after him in the evening of his life , he was a fount of ideas and vision .
18 She nearly ran up again when the milling throngs of people in the hallway below turned as if drilled by some invisible sergeant and stared at her .
19 We feel this important , however , to counterbalance the view of crime , promoted by the Conservative Party , and accepted by some on the left , as being nothing more than violence , mugging and burglary .
20 On Jan. 28 this founding congress suffered a split and walkout by some 100 delegates led by Tadeusz Fiszbach , who criticized the attempt to create a successor party without a sufficiently clear break with the communist past .
21 Refugee talks were held in Ottawa on May 13-15 , chaired by Canada and attended by some 35 delegations .
22 Admired and revered or loathed and seen by some bigots as an enemy of society , Priestley was an intellectual champion of many causes .
23 Whole families of small mammals may die in their nest if buried by some natural process such as a landslide , or the young may die if the adults are killed before their offspring can fend for themselves .
24 A narrow rio ran past the bottom of Calle Nerone , and waiting by some steps was a small boat .
25 The person who wants to explore , keep on the move and typified by some form of touring holiday .
26 It must have taken Summerchild at least an extra minute in each direction ; as I recall it from those evenings fifteen years ago , he walked at a much more reflective pace , as if slowed by some inner weight .
27 More democratic and collaborative pedagogies , as proposed by Troyna and Carrington ( 1990 ) and exemplified by some of the projects they have developed , are a step in the right direction .
28 The group sat quite still as if bound by some secret .
29 By the time this younger generation has been correctly defined , it has grown older and replaced by some new unknown demographic quantity .
30 After being demolished and outgunned by some indifferent players , he attempted to use the new compounds , but to no avail .
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