Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] in long " in BNC.

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1 It is true that the recession has been putting their customers out of business , but accountants will always be kept busy picking up the pieces , or explaining in long reports why other accountancy firms got it wrong and are liable for a fortune in damages .
2 This will divert forests from disputed uplands where foresters are frequently held up or defeated in long battles with environment groups .
3 As he had previously received mediastinal irradiation he was treated with combination chemotherapy that resulted in long term survival ( >five years ) .
4 They were formed where gases and liquids from the deep molten rock — the magma of the earth — escaped and cooled in long thin cracks in and around the granite batholiths .
5 The corner 's been quickly taken and knocked in long but cleared again by Leicester .
6 He says that you must start on the triangle and continue in long strokes .
7 Rose , exhausted with running , slackened her pace a little and took in long gulps of air .
8 THE fighting in North Africa ceased on May 12 , 1943 , when the German and Italian soldiers , ordered by their commanders to surrender , laid down their arms and marched in long columns , defeated but still proud , into years of captivity .
9 During the ‘ kihon ’ exercises ( basic training in class ) , the whole club practises punching and blocking in long lines , moving down the hall until space runs out .
10 Showered and dressed in long , loose-fitting cotton T-shirts , Elaine and Christina walked out onto the shaded terrace where Celia had laid a breakfast of freshly squeezed mango juice , cereals , sweet , doughy local bread rolls , banana bread , and coconut chopped into big , thick slices .
11 Most conversational uses of Creole by British-born speakers are short , and embedded in longer stretches of British English .
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