Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] in this " in BNC.

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1 By s.24 goods are stolen for the purposes of handling if any one or four conditions is fulfilled : ( a ) they have been stolen contrary to s.1 ; ( b ) they have been obtained by deception contrary to s.15 ; ( c ) they have been obtained by blackmail contrary to s.21 ; ( d ) they have been subject to an act done in a foreign country which was both a crime in that country and had it occurred in England , would have been theft , obtaining by deception , or blackmail in this country .
2 I knew the clubhouse well from my amateur days and I quickly turned left , went through the main lounge ( to the horror of one member who recognised me not as a former amateur golfer but as a caddie , God dammit ) , through the back of the already busy bar and through the goods entrance , or exit in this case .
3 And I have these inklings that what you commit or endure in this world , relates to some kind of system of justice or balance .
4 It was already clear that national and territorial disputes could involve substantial loss of life : about ten thousand Soviet citizens were killed or injured in this connection during the years of perestroika , and at least 600,000 became refugees in their own country .
5 The term " business secrets " , where used in this book , is intended to cover any confidential information of value used in business .
6 I have tried , without , I hope , ignoring economic and social factors , not to let them obliterate what is after all the key to any historical situation — the men who thought or acted in this way or that . ’
7 Two quite different events , occurring some seventy years apart , appear to have been garbled or telescoped in this passage .
8 We find that the nature of art and its relation to human life and welfare is not sufficiently understood or appreciated in this country .
9 We need not worry about families or superfamilies in this book , but classes often correspond to everyday groups of animals .
10 Secondly we have not heard of anything that has changed in this county since nineteen eighty sufficient to warrant or justify in this alteration the addition of a policy the effect of which , one one with a similar effect having been thrown out at that time .
11 There are other add-ins that are either new or improved in this version .
12 He spent every minute that was not wasted in eating or sleeping in this pursuit .
13 But it can perhaps be seen as an architectural expression of that scented fin de siècle fascination with the Near East that produced in this period such works as Massenet 's opera Thaïs and Strauss 's Salome and the luxuriant novels of Pierre Loti and Pierre Louys .
14 Lutyens 's ideal of an orderly life run by efficient , invisible servants is more than realised in this immaculately appointed domain .
15 Contained within the breccias are the fossilized bones of many animals that lived in this part of Britain during the middle Pleistocene , and we will be describing the way in which the fossil bones of the smaller animals came to be deposited .
16 I mean , if you went to America and told them told a bu , American business man that to invest in this country because we 've got a lot of !
17 When the man who waited with her crept to her shoulder and whispered in her ear , as he did several times between his nervous pacings about the room , she made him no answer , and never seemed even to be aware of him , though her braced tension made it plain that nothing that passed in this apartment escaped her instant notice .
18 But beneath it all , beneath the strange rituals that passed in this milieu for normality , there was an undercurrent of fear , of latent panic .
19 It is accepted that change in this unilinear aspect will indeed appear in our quantified findings — as a crossover pattern which violates the pattern of stable norms ( as in Labov 's classic example of class/style overlap for post-vocalic /r/ in New York City ) , and I shall discuss examples of this in later chapters .
20 not apply , any more than it does to all garden plants , There are certainly some , the Mediterranean group for example , which includes oregano , lavender , rosemary and thyme , that grow in this sort of environment , but there are many more which need such conditions as shade , moisture , plenty of food , or deep soil , or they may want varying combinations of these , or any of them combined with their opposites .
21 As Philip Warner has said in The Special Air Service , the official history re-issued in an expanded edition in 1983 , the regiment ‘ has often been criticised for the high proportion of officers and N.C.O.s , as well as first-class men , which it absorbed , and the answer must invariably be that used in this way they caused far more damage to the enemy than they would have done if they had been with other units .
22 What is sad is that caught in this way , they are unable to see or use the opportunities for life-fulfilling experiences spread out before them .
23 The case has echoes of the row that erupted in this country over The Krays movie .
24 ‘ Our kind is the greatest of the birds that fly in this land , ’ she explained .
25 It was not only wool that behaved in this manner , some synthetics could do the same thing .
26 It was not only the student movement that suffered in this way ; the black movement in the US , especially when it took a revolutionary form in the Black Panther Party , was violently suppressed , and in Latin America democratic and radical movements were destroyed , and military dictatorships were installed , often with American help , as in Chile .
27 ‘ Anything that happens in this town is of interest to me , as it is to you , being in the business of reporting what goes on yourself . ’
28 ‘ That was the FRG from Soltau — they 've cleared most of the tasks from last night , less a Chieftain power pack change that 's in hand and one badly bogged tank — they 're having to find a route in for a second armoured recovery vehicle , and , of course , the last Challenger pack change — how are the lads doing on those packs that came in this morning ? ’
29 and that came in this morning .
30 Space does not permit me to sing their praises too loudly here , but your itinerary has further information on the multitude of sports that abound in this magnificent area .
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