Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [prep] with " in BNC.

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1 In general what is permitted and expected with regard to our behaviour towards those who are classed as " we " is either expressly forbidden or disapproved of with respect to those who rate as " they " , and vice versa .
2 Or attempted to with a net !
3 Never misuse tools : nuts , for example , are meant to be undone and done up with proper spanners .
4 These were then filed and added to with frequent reports , letters , and documents .
5 Her is an illustrated story to be lingered over and added to with discussion by adult readers or those introducing children not only to the magic of adventure and solid drawing but to the underlying message that is a sober reminder of our obligations to the life and lives of the earth .
6 Demands on social services to provide support are rising steadily as are those made on voluntary groups and organisations who strive to support both carer and cared for with the limited financial and physical resources they have available .
7 She remains an inspiring example to be remembered and talked of with fondness and good humour .
8 The story of the blacksmith 's involvement in the Battle of Drumclog can not be substantiated by any written record of the battle but it has been handed down through many generations of people in the Irvine Valley and spoken of with pride .
9 After a hasty meal we assembled all hands , distributed torches and rummage equipment and set to with forced enthusiasm , as we knew from experience that often these hot suspect ships had been hammered unmercifully by a succession of rummage crews at every arrival , besides which we were not feeling at our best .
10 I slipped into the great four-poster bed , whispered a few French endearments I had learnt from a wench and set to with a will .
11 Benjamin and Agrippa drew their hangers and set to with a will , the eerie silence of that lonely road shattered by grunts , muttered oaths and the scraping clash of steel .
12 ‘ Fat lot of use leather gear is to you under these circumstances , ’ she mumbled , and set to with her scissors to cut away his shredded clothes .
13 The only valid context for physical sex is marriage , by which is meant a permanent relationship , publicly acknowledged and entered into with mutual promises .
14 In the case of land , statutory provisions may give priority to a later contract registered as a land charge even if entered into with knowledge of an earlier , unregistered transaction , but it seems that this affects only proprietary rights and does not bar an action in tort based on interference with the earlier contract .
15 The songs of birds if listened to with a creative ear , can turn a garden into an enchanted place .
16 and went to with her pal
17 Those who heard him lecture remarked on the way he seized on and illustrated the most interesting parts of his subject , so that he was intelligible to the novice and listened to with pleasure by even the best informed , generally leading his class unresistingly to the desired conclusion .
18 This was regarded and listened to with some incredulity by the majority of the airmen , whose main ambition regarding Waafs had much to do with getting them into dark corners , like behind the Naafi , and nothing whatever to do with playing the flute or any other instrument .
19 We 're going to have a look at the , the benefits and the , the objectives of planning , and what you should be considering and talking about with peo , with other people you share your life with , your partners and things , and then we 'll look at the id , the ingredients of a plan , then we 'll look at what the company 's going to provide for you , to help you plan .
20 Even if the suggestion that is made is not feasible , it should be listened to with courtesy and responded to with the respect that such an offer demands .
21 ‘ We have been advised that the Contributions Agency of the DSS is not entitled to collect NICs for fuel provided to an employee for private use and paid for with an All Star Fuel Card in the tax year 1989/90 .
22 Unless disposed of with great care , landfilling of hazardous waste poses a great threat to the community — the contamination of soil , groundwater and drinking supplies with chemicals dangerous to human health .
23 Large pupils playing netball with smaller pupils ( as opposed to with a ball ) .
24 But I take your point that in the studio you tend to play by yourself , as opposed to with four other people .
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