Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 Waivers may be permanent or limited in time or conditional on some agreed reorganisation of a firm 's practices .
2 This makes the sensation much worse and , believing the aircraft is still stalled in spite of their recovery action , they are liable to panic and become unable to think or act in time to avoid diving into the ground .
3 In order to avoid this result the draftsman should define a reference to an Act of Parliament etc as including a reference to that Act etc as amended or re-enacted from time to time .
4 Admissions of part , or request for time , in default actions
5 However , where a defendant does not reside or carry on business within the district of the court and he desires the action to be transferred to the court for the district in which he resides or carries on business , he may , after delivering a defence , counterclaim , or request for time for payment , apply ex parte in writing for an order to transfer the action to that court .
6 The pilot released the cable but could not keep the glider straight , or stop in time to prevent the collision .
7 ‘ Horology is the study or measuring of time or making of clocks ’ — that 's what our dictionary says and the latter is what we do ; we make clocks for a large company called the London Clock Company , but we had very humble beginnings … .
8 The scope of debate is limited or shifted over time in particular directions , but always in a direction which consolidates power into more permanent forms , which in time may become almost invisible to citizens , accepted as uncontroversial , ‘ natural ’ features of the landscape .
9 Visitors do n't always arrive , or arrive on time .
10 The remaining monuments have been cracked open by undergrowth or assaulted by time and neglect .
11 The two inputs have to be combined or associated in time in the same sort of way that conditioning and unconditioned stimuli have to be combined for association learning to occur .
12 We depend upon emotionally-packed images , formed in childhood or reinforced in times of crisis during our emotional development .
13 These estimates assume no significant ‘ spontaneous ’ decrease or increase with time and no significant regional differences in the birth prevalence of congenital abnormalities .
14 If the rays of light that form the event horizon , the boundary of the black hole , can never approach each other , the area of the event horizon might stay the same or increase with time but it could never decrease — because that would mean that at least some of the rays of light in the boundary would have to be approaching each other .
15 ‘ Form FLR A ’ means the form FLR A set out in the schedule to these regulations , as may be amended , modified or replaced from time to time ;
16 ‘ Form FLR B ’ means the form FLR B set out in the schedule to these regulations , as may be amended , modified or replaced from time to time ;
17 You will be sad or distressed from time to time , as the care staff who are quoted in the section on care for the dying have said .
18 Friendship is more likely to be offered in terms of emotional support or help in times of crisis .
19 I 've had my picture taken alongside most of Snowdonia 's summit cairns and I no longer feel prodded by guide books or pressured by time to tick off one top after another .
20 Paragraph 6.15 of the Policy Issues Paper indicates that this principle requires minerals planning to ensure that ‘ the net quality of environments affected by the extraction of aggregates remains constant or improves over time ’ .
21 Paragraph 6.15 of the Policy Issues Paper indicates that this principle requires minerals planning to ensure that ‘ the net quality of environments affected by the extraction of aggregates remains constant or improves over time ’ .
22 However , there also appears to be a degree of strategic competition in the market , which in combination with advantages for incumbents that develop over time ( relationships , reputation and expertise ) form a barrier to growth for second line firms .
23 For example , some bonds might not pay coupons at all ( such bonds are called zero-coupon bonds , and they sell at a deep discount to their par values since all the reward from holding the bond comes in the form of capital gain rather than income ) ; some bonds make coupon payments that change over time , e.g. because they are linked to current market interest rates ( variable rate bonds or floating rate notes ) or to an index such as the retail price index ( index-linked bonds ) ; and some bonds make coupon payments only if the income generated by the firm that issued the bonds is sufficient , ( such bonds are known as income bonds ; unlike other bond-holders , an income bond-holder can not put the firm into liquidation if a coupon payment is not paid ) .
24 In very recent years holy war has been fought between Iran and Iraq , and with a ruthlessness that has at times , with the use of chemical weapons for example , offended international codes of conduct .
25 Douglas Hurd has proved a reassuring figure in a campaign that has at times seemed to lack confidence and direction .
26 The Royal Commissions and official committees of inquiry have maintained a reticence on such matters that has at times made their recommendations Appear naïve — as if one could consider the reorganisation of Political institutions in isolation from politics !
27 Suilven , that finest of all Sutherland mountains , is described as : ‘ One sandstone chord that holds up time in space . ’
28 Butler and Stokes write , " Partisanship over the individual 's lifetime has some of the quality of a photographic reproduction that deteriorates with time : it is a fairly sharp copy of the parents ' original at the beginning of political awareness , but over the years it becomes somewhat blurred , although remaining easily recognizable . "
29 The directors are probably used to the supernatural events that happen from time to time ; the very fact that the building has connections with the railways has possibly something to do with the old railwayman but in what context I do not know .
30 Consider their versatility ; their ability to blend happily with traditional surroundings or to lend extra character to a prestige project , with rich colours that brighten the most sombre scene — colours that mellow with time .
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