Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [pn reflx] for " in BNC.

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1 Without them it is questionable whether the Uprising would have happened and if it had , whether it could either have embraced the total population or sustained itself for so long .
2 But before she could finish his mouth had covered hers and she had no time to analyse the consequences or curse herself for being so weak .
3 An incessant internal monologue occupied her most of the morning , during which , by turns , she tried to convince herself that Fen 's effect on her was all in her imagination or berated herself for being fickle .
4 My cousin probably shares with me only one-sixteenth of my genes , so that to sacrifice myself for her would be an activity of less fitness than sacrificing for my sister .
5 It would seem likely that more people get themselves killed out of pride than sacrifice themselves for any moral end .
6 The shorter this is , the more sense it makes to take the lump sum , rather than deny yourself for a longer-term pension that you will not be around to enjoy .
7 As a community are we willing to risk building a just peace rather than arming ourselves for war ?
8 ‘ Sunday , then , ’ she said , and damned herself for the note of desperation in her voice .
9 He had practiced putting on his kitchen floor at home during the winter to try and prepare himself for the greens .
10 For now , the Strongs wil just have to wait and prepare themselves for the next weekend that Purcell comes home .
11 They parked the vehicles and camouflaged themselves for the night , before settling down to cook .
12 Eva found herself about four rows back , wondering what was to happen next and chiding herself for not thinking to check beforehand .
13 ‘ Just go and lose yerself for a week , son .
14 He went into the college hall , and registered himself for matriculation among a rowdy assembly of students younger than himself ; and came out into the street to find that it had started to rain .
15 He flung the bedcovers off and stood up , shaking and staring wildly into the darkness , trying to identify the threat , knowing it had to be the Corsican and bracing himself for the shotgun blast that would cut him in half , disembowel him , blow his head off , send it bouncing across the floor of the bedroom .
16 When the mobs rush forward in the Mall they are taking part in the last circus of a civilization that has lost faith in itself , and sold itself for a splendid triviality .
17 There was also alarm about the practice of " occasional conformity " ( whereby Nonconformists were able to evade the provisions of the Test and Corporation Acts and qualify themselves for civil office through the occasional attendance at Anglican communion ) and the growth of Dissenting academies ( which trained future generations of Nonconformist ministers and thus helped to perpetuate the religious schism ) .
18 All of them were sitting forward in their seats , as if bracing themselves for a collision .
19 But they did learn to be less worried about it , and to accept themselves for what they were , with their mutual hang-ups , weaknesses and strengths .
20 She felt a sharp pang at the thought that he could n't possibly desire her , and scolded herself for feeling like that .
21 The long line of leading Conservatives on the platform fixed their faces into expressions of interested concern , and prepared themselves for what could only turn out to be a surfeit of oratory .
22 He grabbed hold of the net and prepared himself for when the giant eel came thrashing into sight .
23 Trapped in a nightmare of indecision , I reluctantly agreed and prepared myself for the worst .
24 Tippy lay back and prepared herself for the worst afternoon of her life .
25 He straightened his tie and steeled himself for the meeting .
26 If you have a car crash , then yes , you did create or allow it , but do n't blame and harass yourself for that .
27 ‘ You ca n't just rent a villa or a flat overlooking the Med and install yourself for a peppercorn rent like people used to .
28 I think about it a couple of hundred times a day and kick myself for not staying right there .
29 And hated himself for depending on it .
30 There was a white line around his mouth and he was watching her with undisguised lust , as if he wanted her and hated himself for being so human .
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