Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [pn reflx] as " in BNC.

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1 It is worth noting , as an aside , that though this may seem obvious , one has only to observe parents with children , or to catch oneself as a parent saying ‘ Do n't be so childish ! ’ to one 's three-year-old , to realize that the reminder remains necessary .
2 One might , thus , fantasise the death of someone seen as a threat , or imagine oneself as possessing enormous fame or wealth .
3 the ruins of peoples which are still found here and there and which are no longer capable of a national existence , are absorbed by the larger nations and either become part of them or maintain themselves as ethnographic monuments without political significance .
4 Until a sane , liberal regime is restored within the party itself , it will not be fully re-equipped either to arrive at the right policy choices or to project itself as a responsive party to the electorate .
5 Remembering my conversations with him at the end of 1975 and the beginning of 1976 , it was clear that he wanted fresh fields to conquer , that he thought he had more than proved himself as a racing driver and that he thought he could , with no great difficulty , follow a Bruce McLaren , for instance , and make his own way in cars of his own .
6 Among the multiple realities there is one that presents itself as the reality par excellence .
7 The idea of town planning was something that presented itself as an answer to a problem or group of problems which had arisen in contemporary urban life ’ ( Ashworth , 1954 ) .
8 These two forms of temporary working are by no means mutually exclusive , and to classify oneself as in the second group requires more detailed knowledge of contractual status .
9 In the same debate Mr Mellor restated the government 's intention of encouraging local authorities to make greater use of the private and voluntary sectors and to see themselves as enablers rather than providers .
10 To all this , modern man has now added creatures from outer-space which can be grouped under the general category of UFOs ( Unidentified Flying Objects ) , some of which have reputedly landed and disguised themselves as human beings .
11 Former land owners could still gain full compensation for land up to a value of 1,000,000 forint if they undertook to cultivate the land for five years and registered themselves as entrepreneurs under a system of " entrepreneurial assistance " .
12 Here he took off the pendulous wig , wiped his face on the yellowing lace handkerchief dripping out of the over-ornate and antique jacket and revealed himself as a young man .
13 The merit of this , as we have seen , is that we are led to examine the ways in which this ‘ objective ’ economic class comes to persist and reproduce itself as a self-consciously ‘ lived ’ social entity .
14 The European Commission wants to change the 1958 Euratom Treaty to end trade barriers within the EEC and to establish itself as a watchdog on deals between member countries and outsiders .
15 It is indeed the case that both of these " new branches " professed an orthodox Arminian theology and regarded themselves as movements within rather than against the Church of England .
16 After these , Dr Rogers took the assembled company completely by surprise by peeling off his false beard and revealing himself as Alan Abel , hoaxer extraordinary .
17 Friends literally reason together in order to organise experience and to define themselves as persons .
18 Roy Bradford who had been a member of the Executive stood as an Ulster Unionist in East Belfast but without the support of UUUC , and Tom Conaty who was well known as Chairmen of the Central Citizens Defence Committee ( CCDC ) stood as an Independent in West Belfast and identified himself as a Catholic representative .
19 Then there were the Paris student riots , the Biafran conflict and scenes of devastating suffering and starvation ; Yasser Arafat became head of the PLO and enlisted thousands of young people into his army ; Muammar Gaddafi threw out the Libyan monarchy and installed himself as his nation 's leader and hero of terrorist factions everywhere ; the streets of Ulster became a battle zone with troops , fire bombs and unbelievable scenes of street-fighting ; Jan Palach , a twenty-one-year-old Czech student set fire to himself in Wenceslas Square to protest at the Soviet invasion of Prague .
20 He took a 40 per cent pay cut , swapped the corporate splendour for a mushroom-coloured Portakabin by the Thames , and installed himself as chairman of a company which makes candles .
21 As a teenager he signed for Rangers , winning a League Cup Winner 's medal at 17 , and establishing himself as a prominent newcomer in the Scotland Youth Team .
22 ‘ Go round to each in turn and announce yourself as the ‘ other woman ’ ?
23 Taylor rejected Sawyer 's proposals , apparently convinced that he could win military victory and install himself as president .
24 For all his wayward impulses and the much documented erraticism of his '80s career , this contradictory figure has — through cunning , imagination and sheer force of will — constantly reassessed and reasserted himself as the most focused member of the old guard .
25 The stain lightened slowly to reveal lowering clouds moving in from the north ; the sea became less ink-like too , and showed itself as a mess of enormous and ever-moving swells picked out here and there by off-white skeins of spray .
26 So , in making their denials , they often make unseemly proclamations about their own heterosexuality , in the worst cases ( only too common ) dis-associating themselves from ‘ radical feminists ’ ( read lesbians ) and presenting themselves as the ones who are the reasonable moderates .
27 Lampi has known Emmett Chapman since he started playing music , and sees himself as the Stick 's embassador .
28 In France the representative bureaucrat involved in space has had an elite technical or scientific education and sees himself as the partner and motivator of the innovative businessman .
29 That is , the generality of the depression will depend on whether the person 's helpless views extend to all areas of his life ; the length of the depression will depend on how stable his helpless attitudes have become ; and self-esteem will be lowered if the person has internalised his helpless attitudes and sees himself as a failure .
30 Mrs Thatcher has a clear view of her role as Prime Minister and sees herself as an activist rather than an arbitrator in Cabinet disputes or a spokesman for a collective Cabinet view .
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