Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [been] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They cut out Spanish practice and job creation which is rife , or has been rife , within some quarters of the group .
2 She supposed it was the effect of being famous — or having been famous — being wary of your privacy .
3 Section 11 of the Act authorises police officers to arrest anyone they suspect of being or having been involved in terrorist activity .
4 We have seen that a defendant , to be convicted under section 14 must be proved to have known that the statement was false or to have been reckless as to its falsity .
5 This means that one of the following people must be proved to have had the necessary knowledge or to have been reckless : the ‘ directors , the managing director ’ or perhaps ‘ other superior officers of the company , ’ Tesco Supermarkets v. Nattrass ( 1972 H.L. ) .
6 Mr Chapman was prosecuted under s 37 of the 1974 Act , which states that where an offence under any of the relevant statutory provisions committed by a corporate body is proved to have been committed with the consent or connivance of , or to have been attributable to any neglect on the part of , any director , manager , secretary , or similar officer , or a person who was purporting to act in any such capacity , he , as well as the corporate body , shall be guilty of that offence .
7 It was kicked around like a football from family to family , none of whom seemed to have loved it or to have been able to hold on to it for long .
8 On Aug. 26 , Citibank blamed the Indian banking system for irregularities in its Indian operations and denied that it had " accommodated " or had been involved with those implicated in the scandal .
9 And as the numbers of people marrying did not significantly decline ( between 1871 and 1947 , of those who lived to 45/54 , 85–88 per cent were or had been married ) , this means that less babies were born per family .
10 All the women in the study were or had been married and were aged between 20 and 59 .
11 Of a random sample of 644 female householders who were or had been married , 87 or 14% had been the victims of rape or attempted rape by their husbands or ex-husbands .
12 When he awoke he could not tell if he had fainted or had been asleep for hours or even days .
13 He denied that the paramilitaries had been linked to the drug traffickers or had been responsible for the massacres of campesinos attributed to them .
14 Loyalty , service , and duty were exactly the values which the ‘ boy labour ’ reformers sought to impress upon young workers , and as many of the reformers were also active , or had been active in one or more of the youth groups , they were sympathetic to the objectives of the Scout movement .
15 Nor had there been any talk of her — that she looked ill , or had been ill — nothing at all .
16 Maggie had forgotten about them , but there were several — or had been several — in Heymouth , including one in the lighthouse .
17 They are usually quite a mixed group , some of whom have had bad experiences at school or have been long term truants .
18 If we have recently lost sleep ( after a week of trying to sleep in the daytime , for example ) or have been awake for an unusually long time , then the amount of deep sleep is increased but it is still concentrated in the earlier part of sleep .
19 Article 2 , which sets out the general areas of workers ' rights , simply spells out many rights that already exist in law , or have been present in well-unionised work places for years before Thatcherism .
20 Most people of middle age are or have been married ; divorce affects all age groups .
21 Well I I would have said on the phone that under normal circumstances if you 're salaried or have been salaried I do n't talk people into this unless they 're a certain age .
22 Since the Williams Report , the only books which have been prosecuted have either glorified illegal activities , such as the taking of dangerous drugs , or have been hard-core pornography lacking any literary pretension or sociological interest .
23 If you have been made redundant or have been unemployed for a long time you have two additional problems to overcome .
24 To summarize : if you have been made redundant or have been unemployed for a long period :
25 Ninety per cent of women who visit the clinic with hair loss problems are deficient in iron through dieting or simply because they are run down or have been ill .
26 Now unless you 're a skinhead of the old school , or have been time-warped for twenty years , parkas are not exactly in when it comes to neat threads .
27 ‘ It is not as though we are bad shopkeepers or have been foolish with our money .
28 There is a good reason : those of childhood are or have been those of every client ( and also of every social worker ) and may be considered as common to every adult group .
29 If you feel anxious — perhaps you developed a mystery pain or have been unable to eat or relax — the meridian lines connecting the stomach and spleen will be examined by the practitioner .
30 But the more ‘ reformist ’ amongst the élite have either stopped short of introducing real market conditions ( Kosygin ) or have been oblivious to the need for them .
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