Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [to-vb] that " in BNC.

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1 And now he was talking about mistletoe , and she did n't have to be very sophisticated or experienced to realise that he was angling quite unsubtly for a chance to kiss her .
2 If then his actions simply accorded with what was the convention of his society , this was not because he had so to act , or failed to see that a certain convention was socially limited .
3 Neither referred to their parents or seemed to realise that their present life was coming to an end — Victoria too young , Jonathon too preoccupied .
4 There was nothing more she could say or do to prove that what she had told him was the truth .
5 Not every reader of his book can have come to it believing the chauvinistic claims that have sometimes been issued on behalf both of psychoanalysis and of oral history , or prepared to believe that these pursuits could be successfully combined .
6 With a monochrome viewfinder. use ‘ auto ’ or remember to check that you are set to the correct preset .
7 It proved impossible to rely on hand sanding and a system of mechanical shot-blasting was instituted , after which the plywood was dyed or stamped to indicate that it was safe to use .
8 It would be inept , rude , insubordinate , or whatever , simply to say ‘ I agree ’ or nod to show that one also wished that the window was shut .
9 The court , in deciding that W was not guilty , said that a supplier of goods does not commit an offence under section 1 if he does not know at the time of supply or offer to supply that the trade description was applied to the goods .
10 Nobody will deny its extraordinary energy , or fail to notice that however bizarre the turns and flourishes of the argument , the voice we hear has the bold , jolting force easily recognisable by poetry readers as characteristic of Mr Hughes .
11 Many category 2 queries , however , are from people who have done a fair amount of ‘ homework ’ , but have been unable to find out all they would like to know , or wish to check that they have made the right interpretation of their reading .
12 And they , it basically says , there 's erm , replenish , or rotate stock , and they sort of tick or sign to say that they 've done it .
13 A closer interpretation is necessary in family work , with the counsellor focusing on the statement rather than passing it off or trying to pretend that it was not said , seeking to analyse and ascertain what exactly was being said , why is was said , and what the real message might be .
14 They will put the moment off for as long as possible or refuse to acknowledge that it is coming along and then protest that they were not told .
15 Local staff or voluntary workers can not be expected to have the resources , time or experience to ensure that telecommunications , backdrop , crowd flow , music , lighting and camera positions are available at the right time and in the right way .
16 A criticism that needs to insist that literature is not only ‘ universal ’ but also ‘ race-free ’ risks lobotomising that literature , and diminishes both the art and the artist .
17 And it 's you that needs to know that procedures owners do n't get that from the auditors ?
18 In this case , it was held that a woman lacked capacity to consent if she had neither the knowledge nor understanding to comprehend that ( a ) what was proposed to be done was the physical fact of penetration of her body by the male organ or if that were not proved , ( b ) that the act of penetration proposed was one of sexual connection as distinct from an act of a totally different character .
19 Very rarely you would come across a person that seemed to think that you were beneath them and ought to do as they said .
20 Despite the familiar language from the confessional about ‘ having doubts ’ , there is a tradition within Christianity that refuses to accept that there is any conflict between intellectual doubts ( including doubts about the existence of God ) , and religious belief .
21 In May 1977 , the Ministry of Defence , although continuing to claim that the shooting had been an unfortunate case of mistaken identity in a legitimate and tense situation , agreed to pay William Black £16,700 in compensation for the injuries he had received .
22 Just think of what that has done to the system there and to all the other applicants who have been seeking help from a Department that tries to ensure that people are given the awards to which they are entitled .
23 You see I were born in nineteen hundred so that means to say that when it 's nineteen ninety eight I 'll be ninety eight , I think they did that so I could er reckon me age up more easily .
24 If need be , we should educate them for unemployment , rather than trying to pretend that they are all going to get jobs in which French and Geography will come in handy .
25 In 1911–12 Major Morrison-Bell MP constructed a model to demonstrate these disparities of distribution and had toured the country with it for propaganda purposes ; the obvious over-representation of Ireland was especially useful to a Unionist party that wished to claim that Redmond was holding the Empire to ransom .
26 Rourke had made no move to contact her after she had left the office yesterday morning , and that had to mean that she had been right in her assumptions .
27 And that had to mean that he 'd be in touch again — did n't it ?
28 He left a Bonnie Raitt concert early , and his review was the only one that omitted to mention that Elton John had been an unexpected guest .
29 The only artist I know that brings to mind that I think is absolutely brilliant is David Sheppard , You got a print on his works and its only one of a hundred prints , and even his prints are worth about a thousand pounds .
30 One of the major problems we 've got is that erm the w I did some figures yesterday that , that tended to suggest that in fact our productivity performance overall is about two point seven at the moment even without having had in and without having units in and so on , so we have increased our productivity , marginally , despite the fact we 've got temps in and we 've got those new business people .
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