Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [adv] for " in BNC.

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1 Verbal presentations often fail because the speaker tries to cram too much into too short a time , or goes on for far too long .
2 This planning diary should show , for example , weeks in which certain lecture courses begin or in which certain work assignments are due for presentation ; weeks in which there are social or sporting events ; weeks in which you are free to take a break or to go away for a few days .
3 After deciding we like a band , we would consider whether to make singles with an option for an album , or to go straight for an album .
4 Occasionally he will get in early to see the morning shift or stay late for the night shift .
5 Eddie gray got a team together ( most of them have already been mentioned ) of excellant youngsters and virtualy every one of them was sold or given away for f*** all .
6 Marble can be sawn or broken up for building or burned for lime , and a great deal has certainly gone that way ; but the melting down of bronze for conversion to tools , utensils , armour , coin , is far more tempting .
7 On occasion there were more serious charges where preliminary hearings were held and the case either dismissed or passed on for trial at a higher court .
8 Sport offers spontaneity which , combined with ever more sophisticated technology , allows a viewer to watch a game from many different angles , moving in for a close-up on the agonized or exultant face of the athlete , or panning back for a shot of the pitch , track , or the seashore during an Open golf championship .
9 And when they have outlived their usefulness , they are slaughtered or sold cheaply for lab experiments .
10 The strategy is to sell the plug compatibles for less than the price of the equivalent IBM machine but to make them at least as powerful , or to provide more for the same money .
11 And er if you call up the program or fax in for whatever reason , then you can get yourself a free afternoon pack .
12 There have been frequent demands for a single system and investigations of its possibility ; for after the introduction and spread of comprehensive schools it was clearly both inconvenient and divisive that pupils within the same school should be classified either as fit to take the GCE or fit only for the CSE .
13 To subscribe to ELT Journal , simply fill in the form on the back of this leaflet and send it off , with payment , to the address supplied overleaf or send off for a free inspection copy .
14 Make sure that you receive all four issues of the 1993 volume by filling out the form on the back of this leaflet and sending it off , with payment , to the address supplied overleaf , or send off for a free inspection copy .
15 As well as Dobags , Anatolia produces a wide range of village-standard items , which may be either traditional in appearance or designed specifically for the Western market , and some notable workshop items , particularly from hereke and , to a lesser degree , Kayseria .
16 The thirties was the decade when smart hostesses took to serving a great many dishes iced or frozen simply for the originality of the idea .
17 How many times have you faced the glares of your fellow shoppers in supermarkets as you struggle to pack your bags with one hand and write a cheque with the other , or fumble around for cash to pay for your goods .
18 One by one they sauntered out , or clustered together for safety in great rushes : all in theoretical navy and white , but with such imaginative variation in those two colours and where and how placed , and in what fabric , as to make their apparel singularly unalike .
19 And why was the medical possibility that the women who attended Bristol had more serious disease not properly investigated or put forward for media consumption ?
20 Now I have a salaried job instead of running the home I have no time to do the shopping , take the car to the garage or wait in for service engineers of various sorts .
21 In that state they became ‘ sylvan demons ’ , ‘ either falling into a deep slumber or looking around for a fight . ’
22 Nobody visited them in the evenings or dropped in for a chat during the day , except in the way of business — to sell wood to Uncle Philip or to arrange a booking for Francie and his fiddle .
23 It is entertaining to see a group of loushe Parisian types forming a street band or filling in for cabaret .
24 From time to time , taking one to lunch or meeting up for a drink gives you a chance to talk shop and learn about the other 's work and publications .
25 I would therefore display a becoming restiveness , or look round for the usual dispatch-case , so that when he started slowly rising to his feet , which he did as if by some inner mechanism , I could , like an adjoining lift , follow him slightly behindhand .
26 If you want to subscribe , send a cheque for £35 , made payable to or look out for generous discounts in this issue of the magazine .
27 Although a lot of his story is still relevant to us cos you can see it in today 's life when people stand up for themselves or stand up for their faith or what they believe in and you look around you , you can see violence and being done to them .
28 Hundreds of thousands of people travelling home or heading out for the evening were caught up in the ensuing chaos .
29 But let's look first at the visible problems , realising the need for fun , not for a fruitless day 's digging or waiting around for ferrets that are none too likely to return to the surface once allowed underground .
30 She did n't smoke and never drank , preferring to spend her free time reading , watching television , visiting friends or going out for supper in modest bistros .
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