Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [adj] year " in BNC.

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1 A relatively small number of people , about 180 to 200 , are admitted or discharged each year , compared with the 200,000 or so people admitted to ordinary Health Service psychiatric units .
2 Around a million kitchens are purchased or upgraded each year in Great Britain .
3 Or wait two years and break it then ? ’
4 Some farmers were told that they could either settle at once for 60 per cent of what was due to them , or wait three years to fight for the full amount .
5 On Jan. 25 the government ordered the ex-Prime Minister , Kazi Zafar Ahmed and members of his Cabinet in hiding to surrender themselves to the authorities within seven days or face one year 's rigorous imprisonment .
6 They may argue as a point of fact that , to carry on a taxable ‘ business ’ ( or ‘ economic activity ’ — the terminology in the EC 's Sixth Directive , Art 4(1) and ( 2 ) ) and so use the partial exemption rules , the person must do more than just sell a mere , say , £5 worth of food , drink , tobacco , matches , magazines , books , postcards , camera films , audio or video tapes , cassettes , compact discs , records , sunglasses or combs each year .
7 Approximately one car owner in ten will have their car broken into or stolen this year — that makes it a major problem .
8 or hauling first years through the long-jump pit .
9 With the best will in the world many cases have to be withdrawn or discontinued each year .
10 There will be firms who are practising today who will probably figure in the er top one hundred in the city who in my opinion will not be practising in that shape or form three years from now .
11 The local crab industry is lucrative and expanding , as are the dolphin kills , and an estimated several thousand are being harpooned or shot each year .
12 Until recently , they were killed in their thousands by Turkish hunters in the Black Sea and they are still being actively hunted in Greenland , where about 1000 porpoises are harpooned or shot each year .
13 One of two new ranges to be introduced this summer , both ‘ Chippenham ’ and ‘ Melrose ’ ( dark and handsome in solid oak ) carry the Wilson & Glick ten year guarantee .
14 The 20 percenters , as they are colloquially known , receive benefits which more than compensate this year for their 20 per cent .
15 Perhaps the strangest case on record is that described five years ago in The Lancet ( 1978 , vol 2 , p 952 ) by Dr M. Loughhead and two colleagues at the Royal Hobart Hospital , Tasmania .
16 But I have more chance of improving that than knocking 10 years off Gregory or adding speed to Fox .
17 For Washburn 20 years of visual carnage has meant increasing mental instability and a compulsion to uncover the truth behind a murder that occurred 120 years before .
18 Some Old Testament books describe events that occurred many years before they were written .
19 The Johnson Matthey contingent in this year 's Royston Fun Run raised a superb total of £2,000 and the four JM employees that entered this year 's London Marathon have raised a total of well over £1,500 .
20 The thinning of the ozone layer over Antarctica has been far worse than expected this year .
21 Yesterday 's statistics suggest the trade gap will be slightly bigger than expected this year , mainly due to recession among some of Britain 's key trading partners , notably Germany .
22 Although written many years ago , Lady Chatterley 's Lover has just been reissued by the Grove Press , and this pictorial account of the day by day life of an English game-keeper is full of considerable interest to outdoor-minded readers as it contains many passages on pheasant raising , the apprehending of poachers , ways to control vermin and other chores and duties of the professional game-keeper .
23 ( Above the hill are two windmills , known as Jack and Jill , although built fifty years apart , one pre-dating and one post-dating the tunnel . )
24 Yet the club has avoided the kind of foul-up that ruined this year 's Grand National steeplechase because of primitive starting procedures supervised by another archaic British body , the Jockey Club .
25 The organisers hope to top that figure this year .
26 The organisers hope to top that figure this year .
27 That more than matched last year 's total which , considering the unseasonally wet weather this July , delighted the crew .
28 What Steve is saying r recommending to you is that we do n't take up that purchase this year , which is in our budget .
29 Whilst the conference lacked the hardware launches that dominated last year 's show , companies announced more software for their systems as supercomputers try to move into the mainstream .
30 Why are we discussing events that happen 12 years ago , talk about that season is bringing back painful memories .
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