Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Or remain to stare down the reflection of his own fear ?
2 Or got eased out by me , to put it bluntly .
3 Re-covering perhaps , or re-painting to fit in with their new circumstances ?
4 These authorities suggest that a promise to pay money , or to do any other act , in a certain event but without any express or implied request to the promisee to bring about , or to promise to bring about , that event , is made without consideration .
5 Wearing old-fashioned clothes which help them to imagine what it was like to live in the past , they help with simple tasks like carrying in water or logs for the fire , or helping to measure out and mix the ingredients for oatcakes or Welsh cakes which are then cooked on a griddle on the open fire .
6 ‘ There is no row or brawl going on , ’ he added .
7 The edge of the crater was marked with huge splinters of stone torn up from the bedrock under the sands ; they stood like broken teeth around the scene , pointing at the sky or fallen slanted over .
8 And of course if there 's anything you do n't understand , or want to argue about , please feel free .
9 If you have any questions , requests , or want to send in your own PD product , contact me via the usual address ( put ‘ PD File ’ at the top ) .
10 No , for both the classical detective story and other forms it is better to try to find a plot that arises from something else you want to write about , a particular sort of person you know , a setting you know or want to find out about , even an idea about life .
11 This may require additional information to be recorded on requisition forms etc , or involve setting up new registers , all of which will demand extra staff time , and could lead to some resistance .
12 It is in nobody 's interest for consumers to supply false information when seeking credit , or to try to take on more credit than they can manage . ’
13 In this case , people met at work or in the pub will not be asked home or invited to go out to a dance .
14 Only occasionally did the bubble burst , and he flashed anger at someone who argued back or tried to speak out of turn .
15 If I was with someone else I 'd have to talk to them or hurry to keep up with them , but this way I can go at my own speed .
16 You then choose to pay the amount owing in full with no interest added ; or elect to pay back only part of the sum and pay interest on the amount left outstanding which you repay in the future .
17 A document , as distinct from a manuscript , implies something official or designed to set out facts or points of view .
18 This experience of combining special make-up with puppets or models , unusual in Smith 's career , nonetheless illustrates the peculiar calling of a special-effects make-up artist , and the variety of skills he ( occasionally she ) needs or has to call on to do the job .
19 If you have not been contact with someone for some time and do not have a directory which is updated frequently , a quick phone call tell you whether your contact is still there or has moved on .
20 So far the process of grief that has been outlined is how people might react to the loss of someone they love , whether that person has died or has gone out of their life for good .
21 If she followed me , it 's because she does n't trust me , and if she does n't trust me it 's because she knows something , or has found out something .
22 Neither the debtor himself nor a creditor can present a petition unless the debtor is domiciled in England and Wales ; is personally present in England and Wales on the day on which the petition is presented ; or at any time in the previous three years has been ordinarily resident , has had a place of residence , or has carried on business in England and Wales ( s 265(1) ) .
23 Very small windows are usually better just left , and given a plant , vase of flowers or object to cheer up the sill .
24 To ensure continuity and to give more necessary practice ( further consolidation ) , appropriate homework or a task should be given at the end of each lesson , or at least once or twice a week , depending on the amount of time the student is able or prepared to give up to home study .
25 On the other hand , a photograph can not be generalized or simplified to bring out the important diagnostic features of a species ; it must be always of an individual at a particular time and place .
26 We 'd like to hear from anyone who has an interesting story or tip to pass on to other readers .
27 Professionals have a choice between imposing ‘ appropriate ’ needs on their clients or attempting to break down the latters ' 'dein-dividualisation' ( e.g. as an unemployed person , as a schizophrenic etc. ) and assisting ‘ real ’ needs to be collectively voiced .
28 Reports from America offer numerous examples of users who get trapped in repeated , compulsive administration of the drug giving rise to incidents usually associated with bad acid trips , with people believing that they can fly or attempting to get out of moving vehicles .
29 In order of seniority , they are handed fragments or allowed to tear off pieces .
30 It could be on the other side of the island or asleep or waiting to leap out the water and swallow them whole .
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