Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] of the " in BNC.

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1 1.6.6 promptly to bring to the notice of any information received by which is likely to be of interest , use or benefit to in relation to the marketing and/or support of the Licensed Software ;
2 When a Program Group window is not large enough to display all its contents scroll bars will appear at the bottom and/or side of the window .
3 The pupils are invited to visit galleries and exhibitions and may be asked to produce projects and/or appraisals of the work they have seen .
4 The attendance of a member at a meeting of a committee or subcommittee of the local authority is regarded as attendance at a meeting of the authority , but attendance at a meeting of a joint committee , joint board or other body will only count as attendance at a meeting of the authority when any functions of the local authority have been transferred or delegated to those bodies .
5 On the other hand if the loss or damage to the guest 's property is attributable to the misconduct or negligence of the guest , no liability attaches to the innkeeper for the loss or damage .
6 5.14.1 any act omission or negligence of the Tenant or any persons at the Premises expressly or impliedly with the Tenant 's authority [ and under the Tenant 's control ] or
7 Furthermore , it seems doubtful if the pre-industrial family had the resources to serve the functions of education , medical care or support of the elderly .
8 He directed that the governors of the College should ‘ apply the interest and proceeds thereof annually for ever in the purchase of a Medal to be given Annually to the author of the best dissertation on the Anatomy , Physiology , or Pathology of the foot of the horse , or the principles and practice of shoeing horses ( to be decided by Examiners , viz. either Veterinary examiners or Veterinary surgeons , to be appointed by the Governors at their annual meeting ) ’ .
9 — an evaluation or assessment of the qualities of a work or writer , based on arguments presented in the essay ;
10 This is subject to an overriding provision that nothing in the relevant Rule or in any order or direction of the court made by virtue of it authorises or requires the doing of anything in a country in which service is to be effected which is contrary to the law of that country .
11 : location or direction of the action .
12 Make your conversational contribution such as is required , at the stage at which it occurs , by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged .
13 However , the point or purpose of using the same fact will be different depending on the title or direction of the essay .
14 The exact size or direction of the effect does not matter ; what does is that there is a possibility of some effect .
15 If some aspects are not feasible then either the range or direction of the investigation may require to change or , in the extreme case , a new investigation may need to be selected .
16 These principles are expressed as follows : ( 13 ) The co-operative principle make your contribution such as is required , at the stage at which it occurs , by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged ( 14 ) The maxim of Quality try to make your contribution one that is true , specifically : ( i ) do not say what you believe to be false ( ii ) do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence ( 15 ) The maxim of Quantity ( i ) make your contribution as informative as is required for the current purposes of the exchange ( ii ) do not make your contribution more informative than is required ( 16 ) The maxim of Relevance make your contributions relevant ( 17 ) The maxim of Manner be perspicuous , and specifically : ( i ) avoid obscurity ( ii ) avoid ambiguity ( iii ) be brief ( iv ) be orderly In short , these maxims specify what participants have to do in order to converse in a maximally efficient , rational , co-operative way : they should speak sincerely , relevantly and clearly , while providing sufficient information .
17 A candidate who is new to this kind of thing may ask the chief executive or clerk of the local authority to prepare for signatures , a nomination paper .
18 If this declaration is not made within two months of the day of election and delivered to the chief executive or clerk of the council within that two months then the office at the expiration of the two months automatically becomes vacant and the local authority must declare the office vacant and signify the vacancy by notice signed by the proper officer of the authority and affixed to the offices of the authority .
19 The declaration must be in the form prescribed by the Secretary of State and can be obtained from the chief executive or clerk of the authority .
20 The chief executive or clerk of the authority will for the purpose of avoiding disqualification under this provision usually prepare the form in readiness so that as soon as the councillor is elected he may make the declaration as required .
21 The newly-elected councillor should make it his duty to find out how committees are elected and this information will be readily obtained from the chief executive or clerk of the authority .
22 The chief executive or clerk of the authority will send to each member of the committee an agenda some days before the meeting setting out the items to be discussed at the meeting .
23 With certain specified exceptions , a motion can only be placed before the council by a notice of motion which must be sent to the chief executive or clerk of the council within the time provided for in the standing orders .
24 The chief executive or clerk of the local authority should always provide each newly-elected councillor with a copy of these which should be studied closely by the new councillor .
25 In fact it is frequently the case that the chief executive or clerk of the local authority is also secretary of the charity .
26 The chief executive or clerk of the authority will tell the councillor when they apply to him .
27 If he requires information he should approach the chief executive or clerk of the council for it .
28 He can obtain from the chief executive or clerk of the authority an appropriate form and this will then save him from making repeated disclosures at any time when any matter in which he or his wife is interested is being discussed .
29 A councillor resigns his office by notice in writing signed by him and delivered to the chief executive or clerk of the authority , except in the case of a parish , town or community councillor when it should be addressed to the chairman of the council .
30 Chief Executive or Clerk of the Council .
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