Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She could n't even eat with people she did n't like , and as for sleeping with anyone — unless she was wildly in love or pissed out of her mind she could n't do it .
2 The reasonable ambition is to win and keep two out of three , two or three out of four , and two , three or exceptionally four out of five .
3 Two or three out of every ten who came to live in south London were north Londoners who had merely crossed the river , but of course they themselves may have been second generation immigrants to the capital .
4 At Southampton General Hospital , where 90 out of 360 nurses are off sick , management appealed for volunteer nurses .
5 It 's driving me positively ga-ga , ’ said Peter Abitante of the AFC , where 11 out of 14 teams still harbour play-off hopes , including all four teams in the AFC Central Division .
6 you know you just still bewildered because you do n't understand , I mean like I go to this night class and apparently I , I learn from it , but in actual fact I do n't , I come out I get eight out of ten , nine out of ten , or ten out of ten and I have n't got a clue what it 's about
7 The Baptist Total Abstinence Association recorded a membership for England and Wales of 1,315 ministers and 205 ministerial students or nine out of every ten Baptist ministers and candidates .
8 The demands of the barren Breckland effectively squeezed the more affluent sort of peasant out of Lackford hundred , where nine out of ten taxpayers were worth less than £5 , and with scarcely anybody in the £5-£19 range , it was almost entirely peopled by big farmers and swarms of poor labourers .
9 So the practice has been to regard them rather unofficially as having been satisfied if there is compliance on about … three occasions out of four , or four out of five , or two out of three — practices are variable from one authority to another .
10 That was a lot of money in those days and there were a lot of men eager to do it — around twenty or thirty out of Baldersdale were hired .
11 I put one or two out of their misery by introducing them to a cup of coffee and my insides , not necessarily in that order .
12 Oh we just take a bite or two out of them , say the parents .
13 The section on Italian animals is particularly interesting to visitors intending to spend a day or two out of town .
14 Assuming that one in 10 were severe reactions — experience suggests the ratio would be much lower — that implies a total of 318 500 reactions , or two out of every three patients .
15 ‘ I rather hope I may get those concerned to invite me to do you in the Authors and their Work series — though I have n't done anything about it — I might then like to quote a bit or two out of a letter ( e.g. about Ivy ) , but I devoutly hope you will be able to censor the thing for yourself ’ — for there was still hope , or I was allowed to think so .
16 Even Mira is within range for only a month or two out of its total period of 331 days ; at minimum it sinks to magnitude 10 , so that it is lost even with a small telescope .
17 So the practice has been to regard them rather unofficially as having been satisfied if there is compliance on about … three occasions out of four , or four out of five , or two out of three — practices are variable from one authority to another .
18 Still most of them will have picked up a bob or two out of their transfers to Leeds .
19 you go right through the tunnel and this Queen 's Drive was ooh , about a mile or two out of Liverpool so to get back to the tunnel you come down Upper Parliament Street , I 'll never forget to my dying day , and it was down hill and these traffic lights down the bottom should of been should of been , but they were n't operating , they were digging th
20 More than eight out of 10 consumers , out of a sample of about 1,500 , said their consumption of meat and fish was unaffected by health considerations and 60% did not care about calories , while more than half claimed not to worry about calories , while more than half claimed not to worry about salt , sugar or caffeine .
21 And more than eight out of 10 people on a day out include bread — the most portable of foods — in their picnic feast , either brought from home or purchased en-route .
22 As Table 13 shows , although 20th Century publications , taken as a whole , are known to contain a low proportion of defective items ( 3% ) , they make up significantly more than a third ( 41.6% ) of all defective items issued , simply because more than eight out of every ten issues ( 82.6% ) are 20th Century publications .
23 Earlier this week government research was published showing that 32 out of 102 ovens failed to heat food uniformly to at least 70C , the temperature necessary to kill listeria , salmonella and other food poisoning bacteria .
24 They have a good base salary but make more than that out of bonuses , ’ the source said .
25 A skilful dealer may get considerably more money than that out of the punter by implying , sometimes even saying directly , that this OTC stock was a better buy even than Rolls Royce .
26 By the time they woke up to the fact that many people would be only 2p a week better off , Smith had gained the headlines with the claim that eight out of 10 families gained .
27 ‘ I have in mind the fact that it was not seriously disputed , at any stage during the election , that eight out of 10 families would gain as a result of Labour 's tax and spending proposals ; and yet a number of people who would undoubtedly be beneficiaries of what we were proposing appear not to have recognised that . ’
28 Despite publicity about their strict code of conduct , it was obvious that the rules had been broken because when the time came for the first troupe to go home , John was astounded to learn that eight out of the sixteen had married during the run and intended to remain behind and every one of the other eight was engaged .
29 A recent survey by Scottish Natural Heritage found that 22 out of 26 lowland lochs were suffering from toxic algae .
30 Even these plans were subject to delay ; in November 1962 , at a special corporation meeting , Alderman James Hegarty moved a vote of censure over delays which meant that 300 out of 500 houses planned in the autumn of 1960 had been delayed .
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