Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] had the " in BNC.

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1 Patients with Barrett 's oesophagus with oesophagitis Grade III or IV had the mucosal junction several centimetres proximal to the distal or proximal end of the lower oesophageal sphincter .
2 He was pleased to note that this had the desired effect — she no longer wet herself .
3 Floy said , ‘ We thank you all , ’ and hoped that this had the correct formality .
4 Each was a romantic saga in miniature and each had the same basic plot : in a variety of vaguely 1930s settings , James played a wealthy philanderer who appeared to have a fetish about tea since the common feature of the married women he pursued was their taste for Trumper 's Tea Bags .
5 The mid-1970s brought increased economic pressure to bear on all business activities , and this had the effect of making advertising agencies become more concerned about reductions in company advertising budgets .
6 So impassive and peculiar had the Collector become , so obviously on the verge , everyone thought so ( you would have thought so yourself if you had seen him at this time ) , of giving up the ghost , that his face was scrutinized more closely than ever for any trace of remorse as the gorse bruiser was carried out .
7 The British attaché in Berlin was expected to cover Holland and the Scandinavian countries as well as Germany , while his French counterpart was responsible not only for the Reich but for Holland , Belgium and Switzerland , and another had the whole of the Far East as his sphere of activity .
8 The girls all had wodges of visiting cards in their stocking tops which they threw as they grabbed their victim , and these had the Boozebusters logo — a picture of a drunk in a red circle , with a red slash — and Simon 's phone number on them .
9 They were all dressed in about three sets of clothing , each of which they probably slept in , and all had the ingrained grimy faces of people living without running water .
10 Thirty one patients had sporadic Zollinger-Ellison sydrome and 17 had the syndrome associated with MEN 1 .
11 One couple had visited 13 sites in one day and many had the Library on a list of 7 or 8 visits .
12 But that and those had the brown set that , that and that , right so it 's on
13 No one knew how the fight between Jotan and Nogai had started and both had the right to refuse to speak against the other except in front of the Kha-Khan .
14 But neither had the rancour of the last few weeks been dissolved .
15 Montgomery clapped a reassuring hand on his shoulder , but that had the wrong effect .
16 The study was confined to the North-East , but this had the advantage of providing the authors with a large number of Far Eastern companies , reputedly the highest concentration of Japanese firms in the country .
17 The crowd , too , had lowered their voices , but this had the effect of making the exchanges even more momentous .
18 Nothing daunted , the reactor personnel managed to get an extra pump working by the space-age technique of forcing open a valve and jamming it with a steel plate , though this had the distinct disadvantage of immobilising all of the other safety systems .
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