Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 PLH/LIP complex ( pulmonary lymphoid hyperplasia and/or lymphoid interstitial pneumonia ) in a child < 13 years of age .
2 For example , they seem to survive on a few hours ' sleep ; they will report waking and getting up early ( often to the annoyance of their families ) ; sporting activities include frenetic games ( squash ) and/or strenuous single person sports ( running , swimming ) .
3 Marital status has a positive effect , agreeing with the interpretations that either employers favour men who are married and/or that married men search harder .
4 The fact that dysphasia in non-right handers occurs after right as well as left sided lesions implies either that language is represented in both hemispheres of non-right handers and/or that such people are more likely than dextrals to show right hemisphere lateralisation of speech .
5 The suggestion has therefore been made that either the right hemisphere can process concrete words and/or that such words survive , better than abstract words , transmission across the corpus callosum from the right to the left hemisphere ( Lambert and Beaumont , 1981 ) .
6 If the pattern of use and disuse of the cemeteries also reflects settlement movement one would be drawn to conclude that either population levels fluctuated frequently and/or that shifting settlement was common .
7 Second , development of alternative or engineered plasminogen activators with increased thrombolytic potency and/or specific thrombolytic activity to enhance coronary thrombolysis .
8 The course is designed to enable students who have taken a first degree in more than one European or Latin American language to extend their knowledge of European and/or Latin American literatures through a range of optional courses .
9 Expert systems readily respond to business volatility being used for off-line , expert decision support ( EDS ) and/or on-line intelligent process control ( IPC ) , ( Fig. 2 ) .
10 The opportunity class teachers I knew either had some extra training and/or some special quality or flair .
11 First let us exclude all cases where we are concerned with something which actually is , or is taken to be , a bull or cow or calf in a real or imagined external world , when the use is plainly ascriptive .
12 As the Prime Minister said , only the British and Danish Parliaments have considered European monetary union , as it is now defined , or European political union .
13 The introduction of new technology is only one aspect of problem solving in marginal areas and the desirable overall policy package may be to a substantial degree indivisible since changing one part may affect one or all of the other parts at a local , regional , national or European Economic Community ( EEC ) level .
14 Such is the efficacy of propaganda for the global capitalist system that it is rarely capitalism itself that is targetted in such cases , but the symbols of American or European national power .
15 So far , section 4.4 has dealt with issues which are generally familiar to sociolinguists working in British , American or European urban communities .
16 Tel-me is a software package that runs on 80386 or 80486 personal computers under Microsoft Corp Windows 3.1 .
17 Among the output sockets on the back of the unit ( MIDI in , thru and out , one for the MPM 4E footswitch , a set of effects loop sockets with +4dB or -20dB level switch , plus similarly attenuable left/right master outputs ) are a pair of outs for the built-in speaker emulator .
18 It is usually women who have left work , or moved from full time to part time employment , to care for a sick or frail elderly relative .
19 In both circumstances the deaf minority have to struggle to participate in community life if their contributions do not sound like English and if their failure to understand the interlanguage interpretation is put down to their poor general knowledge or low mental ability .
20 Include details of properties , revaluations , significant property holdings held at cost , and plant and machinery at nil or low net book value .
21 For example , a researcher interested in the factors responsible for differing rates of absence from work may well interview groups of workers randomly selected from lists of employees in large factories and small ones , factories which have high or low overall rates of absence , or factories which involve different kinds of production processes .
22 The delay in implementing an inquiry into Nye Bevan Lodge in Southwark from 1985–7 demonstrated the institutional resistance to recognising that standards of care could degenerate where physical and mental infirmity were accompanied by social powerlessness , whether as resident , or low paid care assistant .
23 For example , inflammatory conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease or rheumatoid arthritis may lead to a spuriously high ferritin or low total iron binding capacity even in the presence of iron deficiency .
24 A general inverted-U function has been described which suggests that memory may be best for intermediate levels of subjective risk , being impaired in cases of either unusually high or low subjective risk .
25 For large bulky groups or low molecular weight species these materials are often low melting point solids or even paramagnetic liquids , at room temperature .
26 This was determined by preforming NCp7:DNA complexes , centrifuging the reactions and analyzing whether the complexes remained in solution ( simple or low molecular weight complexes ) or if they were present in a pellet ( high molecular weight complexes ) .
27 The circuit takes 12 days in total and can be walked using high or low level routes .
28 The Council would welcome any comments or suggestions on these proposals , particularly with regard to the high or low level options for the route in the vicinity of the Baberton and Westburn housing developments , so that public opinion can be reflected in the design of the road where possible .
29 Conspiracies or strong personal relations between business and state elites , such as corruption , nepotism or clientelism , are syndromes of underdevelopment for arbiter theorists .
30 The west wing , where spacious living quarters should have been sited , consists of a bath-suite , dining room and kitchen , while the north wing has a large bath-suite and a long range of rooms , most of them quite small , all entered from a corridor .
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