Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] off with " in BNC.

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1 If the witnesses are n't killed at the time , then they are often murdered at a later date , or frightened off with violent threats .
2 Maybe she 'd win the pools or walk off with first prize in the national lottery !
3 ‘ My mam says he 's prob'ly in prison or run off with a bit of stuff , ’ said one of the hostiles in the playground one milk-break .
4 Good tactics , whether planned or not — the more gentry were pinned down here , the fewer were left to muster the Volunteers or ride off with news to the Deputies at Blairgowrie .
5 If the warts are very extensive or if local applications have failed , then the warts can be frozen , using liquid nitrogen , or burnt off with electro-cautery .
6 Blot up any excess , using white absorbent paper or scrape off with a palette knife .
7 Oh I like everything that goes off with a bang , Jane !
8 Afterwards I have to go to the Headmaster and explain to him that running off with the papermate was all a joke and could I help it if people had no sense of humour … ?
9 Rather than starting off with a blank sheet towards all class members , it may be that because of natural assertiveness , boys dictate a particular kind of response from teachers , quite independently of the details of the situation .
10 It is probably better to start off with too many regulators which can then merge , rather than starting off with too few and attempting to build on them .
11 The ones that start off with ‘ I 'm not racist but ’ are always the most racially prejudiced . ’
12 Gilles Peyroulet is opening a new space on 16 January at 7 rue Debelleyme and kicks off with sculpture by Jurgen Albrecht , simple geometric forms of paper and card which reflect and absorb light .
13 So it 's often sheer neglect on the part of the home owner that allows the thief to gain entry , and make off with your treasured possessions .
14 They 're cheeky enough to approach a picnic party for scraps of food , then snatch a teaspoon and make off with it . ’
15 The bearded Hearthware nodded , and stalked off with his younger companions in tow .
16 As though this were not enough , a gang of Ugandan footpads then raided the homes of the newly-arrived British police training mission and made off with their video machines — plus their training tapes for the local police on how to prevent burglaries .
17 Before I could do this someone snatched my handbag and made off with it .
18 The woman managed to free herself after the men ransacked the house and made off with £90 cash and her car and house keys .
19 I have seen two crows gang up on a mallard with a brood of young , and , while one bird tormented the duck into chasing it , the other sneaked in and made off with a still struggling duckling in its beak .
20 He collected the goods and made off with them .
21 A shifta or brigand had stepped out of the bush , clubbed one of the men and made off with his rifle .
22 The thieves removed part of the roof to get into the building , and made off with sixteen handguns .
23 Early this morning , 3 masked men smashed their car through the window of Fosters Menswear and made off with £3,000 worth of jeans .
24 Thirty years ago this week a gang of audacious , daring robbers held up the London to Glasgow mail train and made off with over two and a half million pounds .
25 They hit coshed the driver and made off with two and a half million pounds in used five pound notes .
26 TV raid : Ram raiders smashed a car through the front window of a Granada TV store in Westgate , Guisborough , yesterday at 5.40am and made off with more than £2,000 worth of video recorders .
27 RAM raiders smashed their way into Debenham 's in Middlesbrough , left sports clothes strewn across the road and made off with clothing worth over £2,000 , Teesside Crown Court heard .
28 They broke into the house in Scotto Crescent through the patio doors and made off with several ornaments .
29 Burglars entered a house in Harrison Terrace , Darlington , on Saturday evening and made off with a man 's gold watch valued at £100 and two bottles of whisky .
30 DARLINGTON police have issued a warning after a man conned his way into a pensioner 's home and made off with £120 from her purse .
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