Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] him at " in BNC.

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1 Call Ed Mantaring at ( 516 ) 231–5400 ext 834 or fax him at ( 516 ) 231–7378 .
2 In the corner of another carriage there sits , his face screened by a magazine , some lonely soul who has no one to bid him adieu at this end of his journey or welcome him at the other .
3 The man heard or sensed him at the last moment and turned with his hands coming up to a fighting stance but Maxim feinted through them and hit him low in the stomach .
4 Anyone who can rekindle a friendship should write to him at Flat 11 , Grove Court , Cooden Drive , Bexhill , Sussex or ring him at 0424–212456 .
5 She knew him to be Alexander Rokovssky , the dark tool of autocratic monarchs and a fanatical servant of Tsarism , a man who could slit another 's throat or shoot him at point-blank range without any change of expression .
6 Kendall will come under increased pressure if he loses this fourth round replay and he is not prepared to keep faith with the players that failed him at Bramall Lane .
7 It must also be remembered that death usually took place in the home , not only because nineteenth century parents preferred it , but also because , before the development of antisepsis in practical nursing in the last quarter of the century , to send a patient to hospital was much more likely to prove fatal than keeping him at home .
8 The means by which he had got this cadetship proved the first strand in a complicated web that snared him at his trial for treason .
9 Moreover , the observer at A forms a picture of the white hole on the basis of all the light rays that reach him at the same time .
10 Having seen and heard him at Buxton , I find it hard to believe claims that he did not solo the South Face of Lhotse : claims , in any case , which Cesen has countered with an explanation .
11 Eva also insisted on Dad improving the service : she got him to consult esoteric library books early in the morning before work and asked him at breakfast , in a voice which must once have enquired of Charlie if he 'd done his technical-drawing homework , ‘ And what did you learn this morning ? ’
12 He was unexpectedly a man of great gaiety and to see him at a dance was an absolute delight .
13 We jumped out and met him at the rear of the vehicle and tried to show him a letter of introduction from the Algerian Ambassador to Britain , Lakhdar Brahimi .
14 I made contact with Sheringham through an agent and met him at a hotel .
15 But I so need to be walking up the stairs and pushing open the studio door , and seeing him at his bench , looking over his shoulder at me , as if he 's not in the least interested to see who it is .
16 I rang Prentice as I could n't think how to put it off any longer , and got him at the second number he 'd left .
17 Especially now that his grandfather is no longer as robust as he once was , and needs him at Arrancay . ’
18 Marion searched for him in the crowded room , and found him at last , talking to Sue 's dad near the window .
19 The Chinese believe that to stand on one leg while kicking with the other unbalances the practitioner and places him at a disadvantage .
20 They followed Fiver up the run and overtook him at the entrance .
21 The typewriter clashed and harried him at night , never rhythmical enough to be ignored .
22 ‘ Speaking of Quatt , I must tell Aycliffe to go and fetch him at once . ’
23 Saw him at a sale being knocked down to a known horsemeat dealer and stepped in and outbid him at the last moment .
24 We see a dancer at a rave , film him later that week , and project him at the next rave . ’
25 But as to why he knew God and obeyed him at all , his faith was not the least blind .
26 And finally two Ayr police officers said that a shelved 1969 report showed they had picked up a man ‘ of slight build and a Glasgow accent who said his name was McGuigan or McGuinness ’ some 600 yards from the Ross bungalow in the early hours of the morning of the murder and dropped him at the bus station ; and they now declared from photographs recently shown to them that the man was William McGuinness .
27 He would send his plane , or travel tickets , for her to come and see him at shows , for parties and at Thanksgiving celebrations .
28 And then a few weeks ago she told me she 'd been invited to go and see him at his house or ‘ castle ’ as Blufton prefers to call it . ’
29 Grunte had written back to say that he would be delighted , and to expect him at mid-day .
30 Willie climbed out of bed and joined him at the window .
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