Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] n't [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Because women 's work is never done , and underpaid , or unpaid , or boring or repetitious and we 're the first to get the sack , and what we look like is more important than what we do , and if we get raped it 's our fault , and if we get bashed we must have provoked it , if we raise our voices we 're nagging bitches , and if we enjoy sex we 're nymphs and if we do n't we 're frigid , and if we love women it 's because we ca n't get a real man , and if we ask our doctor too many questions we 're neurotic and if we expect the community to care for our children we 're selfish , and if we stand up for our rights we 're aggressive and unfeminine , and if we do n't we 're typical weak females , and if we want to get married we 're out to trap a man , and if we do n't we 're unnatural , and because we ca n't get adequate safe contraceptives , but men can walk on the moon , and we ca n't cope or do n't want a pregnancy we 're made to feel guilty about abortion , and for lots and lots of other reasons we 're all part of the Women 's Liberation Movement .
2 ‘ If you do n't want or do n't have time to haggle , ’ says Mr Latif , ‘ you should make sure you buy your carpet , your jewellery , or your woodwork from a fixed-price store .
4 He says : ‘ There is no place in the group for units that are subsidised or do n't make the right sort of return on capital employed . ’
5 Take the sport seriously or do n't bother with it at all .
6 ‘ Whatever we do or do n't do , our children will have to live with . ’
7 Instead the spotlight is on what people actually do , or do n't do .
8 Remember , and keep remembering , that you are special because you are a person , not because you do ( or do n't do ) a particular job or because of what you do ( or do n't ) possess .
9 Please continue a positive attitude to gay issues , or do n't do it at all .
10 Either mean it , or do n't do it . ’
11 Often there 's a lot of , that people erm do or do n't do that you , you ca n't erm go along with when people are wanting terminations of pregnancy or , or they 're thinking of leaving their husbands and going off with somebody else then you just have to listen to what they say and put the facts as you see them in front of them .
12 Anyway , you do n't have to act with me — I 'm Paradise Street , remember , we know all about what you police do or do n't do , and most of them drink . ’
13 Yeah Bryony went if you , well she 's not so bad now she 's got over that phase where she refused to have her coat on , but if you 're trying to get her ready erm and she does n't want to get ready , she 'll say either go away or do n't do that to me if I 'm trying to get her coat on .
14 if he disagrees or do n't do anything , but I ca n't see how he ca n't leave it , can be without it , has to know
15 Or do n't scream at the thought of ?
16 What still seems most important to me , after seven years , is still the callers and the way that we do or do n't service their needs .
17 ‘ Confidentiality ’ may mean my right ( or wish ) that you do not pass on what I have told you ( or do n't identify me as the informant ) , or it may mean my wish ( or right ) that you do not pass on information about me , or , with ‘ professional ’ prefixed , it may mean that our group will support each other by saying nothing about each other 's judgements , competencies or foibles .
18 Or do n't tell me that all those questions about Ryan were simply so that you could track him down and make him pay the money back ? ’
19 If you have n't , or do n't feel able to take care of the mess at the end of your legs , head for the first aid tents .
20 ‘ I do n't see that it matters what I feel or do n't feel , where you 're concerned , ’ she retorted .
21 IF you are depressed or anxious , having relationship difficulties or worried about work , finding a qualified counsellor to talk things over with is n't always easy — especially if you ca n't afford fees of between £15 and £30 an hour , or do n't feel able to wait the weeks or even months it can take to get an appointment .
22 Maybe there 's no good reason why you should give a bucket of warm sick about what your workmates think or do n't think about you .
23 Similarly some women ca n't or do n't want to ride in the latter stages of pregnancy but would like their horse kept in work .
24 I think of my role as trying to guide them with the interface of the business side , the bits that they might not be interested in or do n't want to be involved in .
25 If you ca n't or do n't want to give credit yourself and your business should give credit you may be able to solve the problem by using the money of one or more of the credit card companies instead of your own .
26 Or do n't want to . ’
27 If you are n't given a list by the firm , make your own priorities list of all the things you want or do n't want cleaned
28 If you ca n't — or do n't want to — breastfeed , why does it seem that the whole world is out to make you feel guilty ?
29 If you have rented accommodation and ca n't or do n't want to put fabric up permanently- or are not allowed to paint , for that matter-then you can hang fabric instead .
30 The writer is very necessary as scripts often need to be re-vamped on the spot if they are running over time or do n't sound right .
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