Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] an [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 To clear the airway , support your baby 's neck ( top right ) or lift an older child 's chin , pinching his nostrils together ( right ) .
2 So improving or updating an older model is quite easy .
3 The late surge more than reversed an earlier price plunge as the bubbling US market turned cautious about defensive stocks .
4 This does not seem to have succeeded any more than had an earlier regulation that only waste from timber cut with axe or adze was " lawful " , not sawn timber .
5 Mr Jones , whose son Ryan Millen , six , lives with his mother in South Liverpool and has an older brother Jeffery in Broadgreen , was in intensive care for three months , unable to speak .
6 The present building was begun in the mid-eleventh century and incorporates an earlier one which was partly destroyed by fire in 976 .
7 But their tablatures had been completed around 1530 and cover an older repertory , plus a few pieces by Senfl , and then there is an almost complete gap until Ammerbach published his Orgel oder Instrument Tabulatur in 1571 .
8 It had been painted in 1876 and showed an older and more ethereal poet , his head rising , as is common with Watts 's portraits , from a vague dark column of a body into a spiritual light .
9 Before it the system quails and adopts an easier but illogical alternative .
10 Paul Hillyer the Club solicitor pointed out , and confirmed an earlier concern , that the Wine Sub-Committee ( established in 1962 to comply with the Licensing Act 1961 ) might be unconstitutional if voting for its members was not open to all membership categories .
11 In a speech on Jan. 10 , however , the South Korean President , Roh Tae Woo , " welcomed " Kim 's proposals and repeated an earlier invitation [ see p. 36892 ] for the two leaders meet " as quickly as possible " .
12 It transmits a signal of continuous dots and dashes and activates an Amer light , flashing the same signal .
13 Pleading illness , he excused himself from the Governors , meeting that day and took an earlier train home .
14 On another , Cromwell simply revived and improved an older structure .
15 The study is being undertaken in co-operation with the Department of Law at the European University Institute in Florence and follows an earlier pilot study , of the international iron ore market carried out in 1982-83 , supported by the ESRC .
16 He bought the property of Camsiscan in Craigie Parish and married an elder sister of Hugh Montgomerie of Coilsfield , the man whose name was immortalised by Burns as ‘ Sodger Hugh ’ , and who became the 12th Earl of Eglinton .
17 The outside wheel is an iron breastshot unit locally made in Tewkesbury over a century ago , and replaced an older wooden one .
18 In 1970 , Pamela Allerston , for example , looked at villages in the Vale of Pickering and was able to show that some with very regular plans had come into existence in the early Middle Ages and replaced an earlier arrangement of scattered hamlets .
19 All in all , the Teleprocessor is n't very attractive ; for less money you could buy a 386DX , a fax modem card and WinFax Pro , and have an easier life .
20 Public-sector workers , it was announced in mid-October , would received a fixed pay rise of 12,000 australs and have an earlier fixed bonus of 8,000 australs incorporated into their monthly salaries ; according to Rapanelli this represented an across-the-board increase of between 9 per cent for the highest paid and 32 per cent for the lowest paid .
21 The first skirmish over the national security issue came at a closed hearing on Jan. 11 when it was reported that the prosecution had accused the lawyer of one of Noriega 's co-defendants of improperly disclosing classified information when making an earlier request for access to National Security Council records .
22 As we said when introducing an earlier case , managers have to learn to make sense of all kinds of technical documents , so we are not going to apologise for making you wade through a selection of press releases , offers and the like .
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