Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] that [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was concluded that the media had no business either relaying bad news about government and party policies and activities or suggesting that alternative measures might be better .
2 You do not feel inhibited because you have n't prepared adequately or fear that other people might catch you out or ridicule you .
3 To verify or disprove that therapeutic vaccines can induce an anti-HIV immune response of such a kind that it has clinical , positive consequences ; and
4 Various authors have suggested or claimed that working-class women are satisfied with housework while middle-class women are not .
5 Critical comments are frequently made in the press stating or implying that Swiss law lends itself particularly well to illegal trafficking in works of stolen art .
6 It is entirely illegitimate to read post-Freudian standards into a pre-Freudian world or to assume that sexual behaviour then must have been like ours .
7 Eros love is the chemistry that causes us to want to make physical contact — it is the butterflies in the tummy , the excitement that rises when we see or hear that special one and we want to say ‘ you flip my switches ’ , or ‘ you float my boat ’ .
8 Some kind of realism is important whether the movie itself is ‘ realistic ’ in reflecting the real world more or less as we perceive it or believe that other people do , or whether it is clearly a fantasy of some kind , set in the future or the distant past or another galaxy or in a present where some of the rules have been changed or abolished , eg time travel is possible , robot androids pass for human , most of the population are zombies , animals speak English , people mix with cartoon characters , or what you will .
9 The declaration , with its renewed emphasis on the importance of unity and on the obstacles to it , reads like the triumph of hope over experience : ‘ We urge our clergy and faithful not to neglect or undervalue that certain yet imperfect communion we already share .
10 Additionally , he noted that ‘ many people feel that the system has not done enough to protect what is good in an environment or to ensure that new development is of a sufficiently high quality ’ .
11 Do not forget that even if you are a potential council or housing association tenant , you have the right to turn down unsuitable property or demand that certain repairs be carried out before you sign on the dotted line .
12 Some point out that complementary rationales differ from the scientific model of conventional medicine whereas others emphasise the holistic approach or argue that unorthodox views add a missing dimension to today 's orthodox medicine .
13 She cast away the unwelcome thought that if she was made redundant she would have to find new work immediately or forfeit that small oasis of security she 'd won for herself .
14 As the hon. Gentleman knows , it is not general practice to confirm or deny that nuclear tests are about to take place .
15 No wonder that we cheer when we see older generations giving it just one more go , not because they expect to hear bells ringing or lights flashing , but because they want to reach out and feel that reassuring touch or see that reaffirming glance which means they have an ally in the world who uniquely cares that they thrive .
16 And yet the process that produces that hoppy , hearty , malty , mellow flavour , that dark ruby gleam and smooth rich creamy head has hardly changed at all since Arthur rolled up his sleeves to mash his first brew .
17 ‘ I think that was the worst moment of my life , even worse than realising that poor Héloise had gone after you — and how near the edge she really was . ’
18 Unfancied Cumbria were disappointingly unable to reproduce the form that produced that remarkable upset at Aspatria when they beat the title holders a year ago , and they were swept aside in a second-half torrent of scoring .
19 The Wine & Spirit Association , the importers ' trade body , claims that signs that French wine was losing volume and market share in Britain emerged suddenly in 1990 after years of rapid growth .
20 There will always be an element of the old school that insists that proper cooking must be done using traditional methods , but increasingly , chefs , catering managers and kitchen staff in general are putting their trust in 1990s ' technology to enable them to carry out their work .
21 Experienced teachers ought to be able to deflect the naïve foundationalism that insists that literary works ‘ can only be understood ’ in such-and-such a cultural , social , or ideological context , by contextualizing the proponent 's own discourse .
22 In June 1968 , they produced a document that announced that young Americans must accept the need for ‘ armed struggle ’ .
23 In eukaryotes , in contrast , recombination is usually confined to members of a sexually reproducing species , although there are some facts that suggest that distant gene transfer is not wholly absent .
24 The rich have greater incentive to oppose redistributive policies in that they have much more to lose , and there are arguments that suggest that risk-averse individuals are keener to defend against a loss than to secure a gain ( see Jones and Cullis 1986 ) .
25 There are several pieces of evidence that suggest that daily rhythms develop spontaneously even in the absence of environmental cues .
26 In view of the current state of the art I can do no more here than suggest that alternative approaches are surely possible .
27 I have argued throughout this paper against the various theories that hold that human aggression is so formidable as to require special mechanisms for handling or redirection .
28 It will also gather information on why individuals join groups ( in defiance of the free rider prediction that says that collective action is illogical ) .
29 But they will take into account the need for that balance that says that social spending without underpinning by economic growth will not be sustained in any event . ’
30 He was in a beautifully cut suit that moulded that fine physique and made her blush with wanting .
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