Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] at first " in BNC.

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1 Though impulsive in some ways , she was an ordinary , practical girl who had never really believed in grand passion or love at first sight .
2 There are among honey bees three reported examples that appear at first glance to qualify as cognitive trial-and-error .
3 This confirmed an earlier decision : as a general principle , we would not try to collect only those trees that seemed at first sight to be superior .
4 They have generally been found by the chance of fieldwork and aerial reconnaissance and many are awaiting discovery ; when they are studied in detail they are often found to be much larger than thought at first , covering areas , in some cases , of over 100 acres .
5 As with every theory that seems at first to have an obvious answer to every problem , the beautifully simple picture is becoming smudged , the two obvious large plates of Africa and Europe are being confused by the " microplates " of the eastern Mediterranean .
6 The established Communist parties , however , although overshadowed at first by the new radicalism , were by no means totally eclipsed by it .
7 This is a much more debatable — and debated — point than appears at first sight .
8 The distinction does arise and it can not entirely be neglected but it is much less important than appears at first sight .
9 There may prove to be less difference between some modern versions of Christianity and Buddhism and psychoanalysis than appears at first sight .
10 Such compound instructions may therefore be less useful than appears at first sight .
11 Those who have worked in the legal civil service report that it is much more interesting than appears at first sight .
12 It was me , my survival , that mattered at first … ’
13 In the forests of the Mesozoic there were large numbers of trees and shrubby plants that looked at first glance like palm trees , with leafless stems crowned with bouquets of stiff , large leaves , deeply divided into long , unbranched leaflets .
14 He also called for a full investigation into Orkney 's Social Work Department , and the RSSPCC whose involvement was turning out to be very much more fundamental than had at first been supposed .
15 She spoke and understood more English than had at first appeared but it seemed to be English she had got from the Kettering children , so she was easily understood by Jacqueline who would run to her , climb on to her lap , whenever the maid sat down for a moment and stay there silent and apparently overawed .
16 In the event , wiser counsels prevailed ; the proposals that had emerged by the summer of 1989 from the subject working parties and the National Curriculum Council were far from being the national syllabuses that had at first seemed likely .
17 However , as the torchlight danced ahead she gradually lost the worst of the fears that had at first threatened to turn her into a quivering jelly .
18 They were going to the home of opera , to listen to some Verdi , Puccini and Donizetti ; and to see at first hand the fine art and architecture that he had studied and only previously heard about or seen in books .
19 Many pupils may object that they find this kind of culture to be alien and puzzling at first since this is a non-exam course there is opportunity for pupils to mark time without any serious results but to achieve personal development gradually or late on in the course at an individual pace .
20 His mouth , so hard and demanding at first , was softening , moving slowly over hers .
21 Here is a man who strides about purposefully , hits the ball a long long way , and looks at first sight like a competitor capable of a certain bumptiousness .
22 He finds it difficult to describe his feelings and says at first ‘ I just walked out . ’
23 He was pale and composed at first , his features rigidly set .
24 What had seemed so fresh and enticing at first was now stale , predictable .
25 Her assessment of me changed from one of total hostility to a slightly puzzled statement that my experience with these doctors , in her own words ‘ may prove , after all , not to have been a bad thing for this peculiar chap — half high principle and half unashamed pragmatism — to have been brought into personal dealings with this autocratic profession and to experience at first hand the kind of behaviour that has been driving Ministers of Health to despair for years ’ .
26 The dogs howl and whine at first , then realize that they have finished for the day .
27 Brannen , born on a farm at Sadberge and raised at first Long Newton and then Yarm , moved to Stoke at the age of 20 partly to study a sports and recreation degree at North Staffordshire Polytechnic but mainly to train under the guidance of Jim Talbot , the national decathlon coach .
28 The darker humour associated with ED 209 , which does indeed look quite large and threatening at first ( and not at all like a model only one foot ( 30cm ) high , which it is ) is typified when it , in error , riddles a young executive with machine-gun bullets on its first official presentation and the stunned silence is broken by a cry of ‘ Someone send for a paramedic ! ’
29 The first race was off at two fifteen but on race day Cheltenham is up and running at first light .
30 Towards the and of his stint , he filled a gap in the team for the Italian GP at Monza — and saw at first hand one of BRM 's famous fiascos .
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