Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] of the " in BNC.

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1 There are also transaction costs involved in acquiring and/or disposing of the requisite foreign exchange .
2 In answer to the question ‘ Do you approve or disapprove of the way … is handling his job as President ? ’ the respondents answers are given in Table 2 , which also shows that after the fourth month of Reagan 's first term , and in the wake of the assassination attempt on 30 March , his approval rating rose to 68 per cent .
3 Just as the ‘ Verbivore ’ phenomenon is caused through a flattening or levelling of the modulations of air waves , so the hierarchy of narrative levels is ‘ flattened ’ such that it becomes impossible in any given instance to determine whose account we are reading or whose mind we are supposedly ‘ inside ’ .
4 what you 're going to see , the new series or repeat of the
5 He tried hard not to admire or approve of the heroine , tried to imagine that life was not like that really .
6 The passage also shows that Freemantle sometimes misunderstood or disapproved of the social content in her friend 's verses .
7 ‘ Shallot , ’ he bellowed , ‘ you 'll either die by hanging or die of the pox ! ’
8 ‘ ( a ) destroys the goods , or disposes of the goods in a way giving a good title to the entire property in the goods or otherwise does anything equivalent to the destruction of the other 's interest in the goods , or ( b ) purports to dispose of the goods in a way which would give a good title to the entire property in the goods if he was acting with the authority of all co-owners of the goods . ’
9 all consequences suffered by the Carrier ( including but not limited to claims , demands , proceedings , fines , penalties , damages , costs , expenses , and loss of or damage to the carrying vehicle and to other goods carried ) of any error , omission , mis-statement or misrepresentation by the Trader or other owner of the goods or by any servant or agent of either of them , insufficient or improper packing , labelling or addressing of the goods or fraud as in Condition 10 :
10 The new remedy rapidly encroached upon the spheres of trespass and replevin so that at one time it looked as if any ‘ asportation ’ or moving of the property might be regarded not only as a trespass to it but also conversion of it , but this very wide doctrine was restricted to a principle that the dealing with the goods must amount to a denial of the owner 's title .
11 or pattering of the skin with eye lashes ?
12 And so I 'm not sure where it is , what time it is I do n't have no contact for it to get in touch with , and I 'm wondering if anybody , any of your listeners either members or know of the Guild .
13 The only real element of surprise lay in the fact that little had been seen or heard of the extremists since the Republicans ' dramatic rise on the West German political scene in 1989 .
14 Nothing more was seen or heard of the two men , and after a few days , the event was forgotten .
15 Little has been seen or heard of the V of R this year , but apparently there have been something of an upheaval in the Company at the end of the season and few people are now employed .
16 As we have seen , a public company is no longer permitted to have a charge or lien on its shares except ( a ) when the shares are not fully paid and the charge or lien is for the amount payable on the shares , or ( b ) the ordinary business of the company includes the lending of money or consists of the provision of hire-purchase finance and the charge arises in the course of a transaction in the ordinary course of its business .
17 The customer must be notified or warned of the following where applicable : ( a ) That collateral will not be registered in his name ; ( b ) That that part of the proceeds of sale of his collateral that exceeds the amount owed by the customer to the firm will be subject , on the firm 's default , to the pooling rules under the client money regulations .
18 This will not do , for it is no different from saying that when one experiences ‘ red ’ one thinks or conceives of the colour , whereas the point of the theory was to explain what such thinking , or conceiving , is .
19 I wonder how much JTR and his fellow Brother Brushes knew or understood of the genocide their land-owning peers were guilty of ?
20 If the witness fails to attend , the applicant must be able to prove in enforcement proceedings that the witness was served , or knew of the service in time , and received the conduct money .
21 If the supply of vitamins and mineral in the diet is inadequate , this will result in changes in body chemistry , and a slowing down or altering of the body 's metabolism , usually with some deterioration in body fitness or health .
22 There is a defence that the distributor , displayer or player who had no intention to stir up racial hatred was ignorant of , and had no reason to suspect that the contents of the item in question were threatening , abusive or insulting , and the section does not apply where the showing or playing of the recording is solely for the purpose of inclusion in a cable programme service .
23 Frequent intoxication damages the mouth , oesophagus , stomach and especially the liver , where overloading of the metabolising process can cause hepatitis and cirrhosis .
24 When I obey or defy ‘ Face facts ’ , my welcoming or resisting of the facts is itself a psychological process in causal interaction with spontaneous inclination ; on the one hand emotional bias distorts judgement , on the other desire or aversion veers with additional information .
25 For details see separate SEFIC booklet or enquire of the Board .
26 For details see separate ( SEFIC ) booklet or enquire of the Board .
27 For details see separate SEFIC booklet or enquire of the Board .
28 For details see separate SEFIC booklet or enquire of the Board .
29 Almost without exception , the visitors who turn up this road do so having heard or read of the ‘ parallel roads ’ , a remarkable geological antiquity found in other Scottish glens but nowhere as clearly defined as in Glen Roy .
30 Paragraph 21 exposes a gap , pointing out that an innocent acquisition followed by a dishonest decision to keep or dispose of the property was in general not larceny and that larceny by finding was committed only where at the time of the finding the finder believed that the owner could be discovered by taking reasonable steps .
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