Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] the good " in BNC.

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1 In the same way they learn the trees that are good for firewood or building , for supporting the yams or propping the bananas , those that resist white ants or make the best bee-hives , stools or grain mortars and pestles .
2 Do not barge in if you think you are in the wrong , be prepared to be a little late , or concede the best position , but do not be bullied by those who shout at you .
3 In Bacon 's books , Sprat says , ‘ are every where scattered the best arguments , that can be produced for the defence of Experimental Philosophy ; and the best directions , that are needful to promote it ’ , while according to Glanvill ‘ all the main heads of natural history have received aids and increase from the famous Bacon , who led the way to substantial wisdom , and hath given most excellent directions for the method of such an history of nature ’ .
4 If you want to carry the smallest possible quantity of water or get the best possible price in the market , the judgements you make are important in a way those made in a water tray or school shop can never be .
5 3.9.2 publications by others , visual advertising and statements which portray its Trade Marks and all products or product groups in such a way as to have a likelihood or depreciating the good will in the Trade Marks and
6 Or try The Good Nanny Guide , £9.99 , Century Hutchinson
7 I do n't mind Chelsea/West Ham getting a bit of praise as they have managers who appear to be ‘ good lads ’ & making the best of the resourses thay have .
8 You can then select the one which you think solves the most important problem , or gives the best effect in the most visually important part of the garment .
9 We can not see the official tests showing which cars cause least pollution or have the best safety features .
10 But if Dr Mumby 's right , Turtle fans may find that rather than helping the good guys , they could instead get a cow bunger clobbering from the Turtle team by turning into the baddies .
11 It is the solution that offers the best balance between advantages and disadvantages — the animals gain the greatest degree of mutual protection from predators whilst sacrificing the least in terms of their ability to find food in the inhospitable terrain .
12 What is the use of going to open beaches when we must return to segregated residential areas and schools and suffer under the laws that make the best medical treatment the prerogative of the whites only in our country ?
13 He contrasts the moral ideas of humanity with those of the deity , who is described in terms reminiscent of Voltaire : ‘ Why have we sympathies that make the best of us so afraid of inflicting pain and sorrow , which yet we see dealt about so lavishly by the supreme governor ? ’
14 Well yes there 's only only this time of the year that they 're about so I think they must only grow them there that make the best marmalade .
15 We have been forecasting for some time that the future of applications development would become the linking of objects , and that the keys to the kingdom would be held by the companies that sold the best objects , and Novell Inc seems to think so too .
16 We have been forecasting for some time that the future of applications development would become the linking of objects , and that the keys to the kingdom would be held by the companies that sold the best objects , and Novell Inc seems to think so too .
17 One complained in 1802 : " In the factory we can never work the hours we can at home , nor make the best of our time .
18 Law as integrity is also a non-skeptical theory of legal rights : it holds that people have as legal rights whatever rights are sponsored by the principles that provide the best justification of legal practice as a whole Pragmatism , on the contrary , denies that people ever have legal rights ; it takes the bracing view that they are never entitled to what would otherwise be worse for the community just because some legislature said so or a long string of judges decided other people were .
19 You can then move the paper across the table and compare symptoms of the case to each remedy in turn and make a note of those that match the best .
20 His second will be to walk that famous soccer tightrope that tests the best and topples the rest .
21 Some theorists claim that English spelling is a triumph of English muddling-through that achieves the best possible compromise between conflicting needs .
22 This has enabled the north to weather this recession far better than any previous recessions and in a way that bears the best comparison with the south .
23 One advantage of this is that it 's not always the most expensive guitars that sound the best .
24 Positive parenting is an approach to child management that emphasizes the good qualities of the child 's behaviour and helps the parent to become aware of them .
25 They contain the sort of resonant imagery and psychological complexity one associates with the most determined European cinema , but within strong narratives that recall the best Hollywood films .
26 This was not altruism on the part of the brewers , but was born out of a realisation that preserving the best of their heritage could make them money .
27 It is the routine and tender loving care of the staff that create the best atmosphere .
28 Perhaps the finest current exponent of the counter-tenor 's art is Michael Chance , an Englishman whose recordings of Bach ( St Matthew Passion on Deutsche Grammophon 427 648–2 , St John Passion on DG 419 324–2 , and the B Minor Mass on DG 415 514–2 ) are marked by a purity of tone that recalls the best of Deller .
29 The effect is so fascinating that my friend has pockets full of peppermint bits and a sizable bill for Polo and Trebor , the mints that give the best results .
30 The living amphibians that give the best impression of the appearance of the early ones are the salamanders and newts .
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