Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] in part " in BNC.

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1 This prospectus contains information on full-time undergraduate courses which lead to a degree , diploma or certificate or fulfil in part the requirements of a professional body .
2 It was taken away stone by stone and rebuilt in part at the Beamish Museum in Newcastle area , which specializes in preserving country ways .
3 The meditations and exercises in Part Two are simply possibilities to explore , not straitjackets .
4 This brief survey not only provides some historical depth to an understanding of contemporary British government — its structure , responsibilities , and political dominance — it also serves to reinforce our grasp of the political culture and to provide in part an explanation for some of the problems now associated with government .
5 The displacement model has persisted and expanded in part because of its own self-fulfilling features but also in the absence of credible alternatives .
6 The Salvadorean people are giving a lesson to the whole world , and especially to the North Americans , because even after almost three years of finding ourselves beset by the guerrilla , a total misgovernment by the PDC and a catastrophic foreign intervention , we still have the moral integrity " to continue protecting against such a calamity " , financed and encouraged in part by the leftist sectors which have infiltrated the North American government …
7 Of his designs in a classical manner the first identified was a proposal of 1752 — in the form of an Italianate palazzo and based in part on an elevation in Sebastiano Serlio 's Tutte L'Opera D'Architettura ( book vii , p. 49 ) — for rebuilding Hagley Hall , Worcestershire , for Sir George ( later first Baron ) Lyttelton [ q.v. ] ; but this was rejected in favour of a conventionally Palladian one by Sanderson Miller [ q.v . ] .
8 But up and coming in part two we have .
9 We can now put it into equation ( 6 ) together with determined in part 1 and obtained in part 3 .
10 5.6 amended 1974 , c. 37 , Sched. 7 , and repealed in part 1973 , c. 65 , Scheds. 15.29 .
11 The Second Sonata often has a Spanish flavour also found in good measure in No. 3 , and explained in part by her move to Barcelona in 1924 : She lived there until Gramatté 's death in 1929 .
12 This scrupulous attention to neatness , linked with the possession of the necessary equipment , was typical , and explained in part the number of pockets in his suits of which he was to boast .
13 Whilst agreeing in part but disagreeing substantially with the assumptions of Ludmer , I felt — and still feel — that the attraction of sport for black kids is a little more complex and that any full understanding can not assume that sport constitutes an area freed of racialism , or that black youths are attracted to it simply because they see it as such .
14 Finnis explains that Aquinas regarded law as consisting in part of rules which are ‘ derived from natural law like conclusions deduced from principles ’ and for the rest of ‘ rules which are derived from natural laws like implementations [ determinationes ] of general directives ’ .
15 By further questions , as reformulated in part by the Court of Justice , the Divisional Court also asked , inter alia , whether requirements as to nationality , residence , domicile and control imposed by a member state as conditions of the registration of fishing vessels and the right to fly the flag of that state were compatible with Community law , including article 7 of the E.E.C .
16 As illustrated in Part I , there has been a growth in occupational pension schemes .
17 It enshrined the so-called " precautionary principle " , agreeing that lack of scientific certainty should not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to halt environmental degradation ( this was seen as directed in part at the US administration 's reluctance to agree to action to combat global warming ) .
18 It enshrined the so-called " precautionary principle " , arguing that lack of scientific certainty should not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to halt environmental degradation ( this was seen as directed in part at the US Administration 's reluctance to agree to action to combat global warming ) .
19 However , as discussed in Part B of this report , we found there is increasingly debate as to the overall benefits of such centralised operations ( and , indeed , of the notion of head office-based corporate planning departments per se ) .
20 Though controlled in part by international agreement , the industry overfished its stocks and declined during the 1950s and 1960s .
21 DESIGN 1 — ( Stitchworld pattern No. 30 , double length and width , push button machines use design as described in Part 1 . )
22 2 wishes to take an exclusive sub-licence of all of 's rights relating to the Licensed Software in the territories set out in Schedule 2 to this Agreement ( ‘ the Agreed Territories ’ ) for the purposes set out in this Agreement , which will include the publication of customised disks to meet specific market needs as described in Part 2 of Schedule 1 to this Agreement ( ‘ the Student Disks ’ ) .
23 4 wishes to take an non-exclusive licence to use the Existing Documentation as the basis of publishing documentation to accompany both the Licensed Software and the Student Disks as described in Part 3 of Schedule 1 to this Agreement ( ‘ the Accompanying Documentation ’ ) .
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