Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] a small " in BNC.

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1 With the increased vigilance of our officers at seaports and airports and the need to import large consignments of drugs to feed the growing habit of users the obvious answer was to charter or buy a small craft capable of long sea voyages .
2 Whether you prefer to sell 100% for an immediate cash payment or to receive a smaller upfront payment and a deferred payment , determined by an earnout or retention or a minority stake with a pre-arranged exit .
3 It has to be recognised that LDCs face a difficult choice on how to spend educational funds — whether to erase illiteracy or train a small number of scientific and technical specialists .
4 It is also important to determine which activities and functions should be housed in the new and old locations especially if the organisation plans to carry out either a phased move or to keep a small presence in the old site after the main move has taken place .
5 I it it 's oh no , we do n't want war , we 're all against war , but nobody is prepared to bother actually to go to a meeting or , or pay a small subscription and , and then you w you could of had a very strong United Nations now the same as after the first world war , but it 's the people that did n't do it .
6 It is always advisable to try a small area first with the finish that is to be used , or damp a small area with water , as this will give some indication of the change in shade that will occur .
7 Have fun with them — paint each drawer a different colour or do a small ‘ mural ’ , perhaps of clouds or trees , across the front .
8 Bishop , never one to duck a challenge , agreed to cooperate in a South African-led venture which enables anybody with the cash to buy or hire a small walkman-like receiver to tune into the ref during the match .
9 To re-heat or cook a small load is a sure way of wasting energy .
10 Second , there is a different sense in which private individuals may not want to conserve soil or have a small family other than the most obvious that it may not benefit them .
11 Those calves which are only coughing and/or tachypnoeic are usually in the prepatent stage of the disease or have a small adult worm burden and treatment of these animals should result in rapid recovery .
12 We 've got another plant at Darlington that produces a smaller series of engines .
13 Autocracy appeared the very linchpin of everything that offended a small but intellectually dynamic intelligentsia which was breaking away from the traditional values of the nobility .
14 In older gardens , particularly those that date back to Edwardian or Victorian times , you might be lucky enough to inherit paths laid in old blue paving bricks , or some of those delightful ‘ rope ’ edging tiles that cost a small fortune to buy today .
15 A preliminary investigation is shown that uses a small scale statistical analyser to process text that had caused great problems for the rule-based system .
16 At the top of a hill she passed a little oasis of trees that surrounded a small pool .
17 Switch operation completed an electrical circuit that illuminated a small red warning light on the instrument panel ; however , the system on this aircraft model did not include an audio warning , as commonly fitted to many similar aircraft .
18 Intel are developing more than processors , they are working towards the diskless computer and demonstrated a prototype that included a small capacity solid-state C : drive containing boot information and operating system in Read Only Memory chips and new high capacity ( 40Mb ) removable flash ROM cards for storage of applications and data .
19 Retaining a national scheme with 10,000 members , rather than creating a smaller one like the one on Tayside , would benefit all employees .
20 The process does work on genuinely dirty records but , unfortunately , can not provide the Lazarus touch for discs that have been played on decks that use a small chisel as a stylus .
21 Rather than lose a small but integral part of the community , the petition was raised to obtain facilities which would be of benefit to the community .
22 The response of cattle owners was to increase the total numbers in their herd , rather than to maintain a smaller herd with lower mortality levels .
23 ‘ We have re-examined the design economics and whole principle of ammonia production , ’ said Pearce , ‘ The result is a design that gives a small plant all the economic advantages of very large-scale plants .
24 From the façade and sides rise a mass of spires that form a small forest of stone through which to view Milan from the roof of the cathedral .
25 For many Arab people , their ambivalence about supporting Saddam Hussein is secondary to their desperate need to rid themselves of a system imposed by outside forces ; a system that enables a small ruling Arab elite to plunder the region 's resources , siphoning off cheap oil to the West , while millions of Arabs live in dire poverty , struggling to survive the economic blows dealt to the Arab nation by the West .
26 She opened the bag and got out a powder compact that had a small round mirror on the inside of the lid .
27 ‘ Trollope 's novels hinge on dilemmas in the lives of her ordinary people : a lesbian affair that shocks a small community in A Village Affair , or relationships across an age gap in The Men and the Girls .
28 You will also find them useful for other jobs that need a small locking clamp .
29 Of those that pollinate a small percentage of tropical rain forest trees , a minority feed exclusively on floral resources .
30 And behold , he shrivelled and withered under their eyes , and became a small handful of grey dust and glass powder .
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