Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [vb base] to " in BNC.

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1 What do the following gestures or attitudes mean to you ?
2 Fourteen other former government officials arrested as a result of the coup and since detained without charge or trial continue to be held in al-Mizze Prison in Damascus .
3 Tasks or programmes need to be treated as ‘ temporary systems ’ — that is , operations with defined objectives , internal plans for action , linked to scales of time and resource , with built-in mechanisms for monitoring progress and evaluating results — a cardinal principle at every level .
4 Involuntary reception into care : if a child or young person is in a situation of acute danger the youth department is entitled to intervene , but parents or guardians have to be informed immediately and the case be brought before a court for a care decision before the end of the day following the admission ( s. 42 ) , Where force is necessary , the police department must act but under the professional guidance of the youth department .
5 Rainfall is at its lowest in the east , where summers tend to be better then in the temperate western half of the UK .
6 Did anyone notice that the president of the Object Management Group wrote an open letter urging people out there to ask Microsoft Corp to have Object Linking & Embedding adhere to Object Group standards ?
7 Today , service , seniority , and experience do not appear to be considered at all , your religion or creed appear to be an important factor in regulating your progress in the Service … ’
8 Documents prepared by the solicitor for his or her own benefit or protection belong to that solicitor ; so do documents sent by the client , which are intended to pass to him or her .
9 Recurring events or objects lead to patterns in our minds .
10 This kind of mutual formulation of the right amount of information for communication to take place is very common in conversation , particularly where times or places or objects need to be specified .
11 Where densities need to be even higher for reasons of land availability or cost , the combination of traffic segregation with an attractive living environment is more difficult still to achieve , for it usually implies construction of grade-separated routes for pedestrians and motorised traffic .
12 Firstly , ambient air quality standards or goals need to be specified .
13 It should be borne in mind that despite the fact that psychiatric diseases such as depression or manic-depression tend to be vastly over-diagnosed , particularly in sufferers from alcoholism ( in whom these features may be indications of their primary disease of alcoholism ) , some patients do have both addictive disease and psychiatric disease and need appropriate treatment for both .
14 What does the inclusion of Africans or African-Americans do to and for the work ?
15 ( 1986 ) find that even today , where referees refer to candidates ' families , they see those of female candidates as problems they have overcome , but refer to those of male candidates as assets .
16 While mail order , trading checks and weekly credit callers or tallymen continue to be the forms of credit which most obviously meet the needs of those used to weekly budgeting , and to being paid weekly in cash , they are likely to continue to be the obvious choice for many such people — regardless of truth-in-lending regulations .
17 Similarly , pets such as dogs , cats or budgerigars have to be provided for , if it is not practical for anyone to look after them while the patient can not .
18 Dr Roger Nourish , head of the team of microbiologists within Britain 's Health and Safety Executive ( HSE ) , which inspects factories , says that ‘ even in microbially low-risk processes , like the processes carried out so far — which do not involve infections or toxic hazards — allergenic risks arising from workers ’ exposure to foreign proteins or polypeptides have to be considered ’ .
19 The people of the tribe or village agree to them participating in their lives to some extent but there is no pretence that the lady from America has actually become a Polynesian native .
20 Liquid colours are best used for painting and tinting , and where colours need to be paler .
21 To observe 3-D fluctuation conductivity , large concentrations of impurities or defects have to be induced , and these are usually accompanied by granularity or reduced dimensionality .
22 Classroom organization and teaching strategies need to be seen as a means to an end , not as ends in themselves , and to allow this shift the ends or purposes need to be discussed and clarified .
23 The difference can not simply be dismissed as a question of personality , since certain patterns of job satisfaction or dissatisfaction seem to be associated with particular kinds of jobs .
24 This we see quite clearly in the example of ‘ green fingers ’ , where plants respond to the intent and good feeling in the mind of the human caring for them .
25 These can create even more stress on the individuals left with the burden , especially in the credit control department , where targets have to be met and cash pulled in by certain deadlines .
26 The biggest worry on Wall Street , where priorities tend to be narrowly focused , is over the dividend : if the company has to take another $1,000m to $2,000m of charges this quarter to cover further closures , it is unlikely to be able to meet the dividend out of cash flow .
27 We have not mentioned what happens if the cause of death is unknown and inquests or autopsies have to be carried out ; or if the deceased person wanted to donate organs ; if they wanted to be buried in another country , and so on .
28 These three laws or principles relate to Creation , Preservation or Sustenance , and Dissolution or Destruction , which repeat themselves in a cycle and apply to all existing phenomena .
29 What seemed likely to him was that Adam had allowed some undesirable person or persons access to the place and it was these vagrants or hippies — there had been a lot of hippies still about then — were responsible .
30 The next question used the same factors and asked how Ernst & Young compare to the respondent 's expectations .
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