Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The key stages of preparation are to become familiar with all the facts as recorded in key documents , for example correspondence , meeting records , site measurements , wage sheets and plant invoices try to agree the facts with the engineer and/or contractor check the claim is in order with respect to time and/or documentation and that it complies with the contract
2 Rules about the timing and specificity of disclosure of commission and other remuneration , which permit less than full disclosure of the amount or value of the commission or remuneration raise the safe harbour question .
3 At Gibson & Dodds auction a Kingwood ormolu-mounted Vernis Martin display cabinet , went at £1,300 .
4 Fans of Sting , Henry Van Hammer & Co get the chance to hear their heroes on my Downtown show tonight at 11 pm .
5 ‘ Merry & Co have a special horsemaster looking after them .
6 The transverse fibres or commissures unite the two ganglia of a pair .
7 All these particular strategies or skills have the common goal of helping clients feel more in control of both their symptoms of stress , and their life in general .
8 in what ideological terms do these classes or groups perceive the problem of soil erosion — causes , blame , solutions ?
9 If you find yourself as a group leader or chairman accept the responsibility .
10 In Boston " mentoring " programmes exist where employers release a staff member on a regular basis over a period of months to work with potential " drop outs " to win their commitment .
11 If the pump or cable develop a fault , the electrical supply is immediately cut off .
12 In fact , the most convincing evidence is from Barton Farm , where coins provide a terminus post quem of c.293 .
13 Did Strach & Macca score the goals in the 2–1 home win over Sheff Utd ?
14 Where solicitors want a " consent order " , provided it does not relate to a possession order of residential premises , and is not for an order in matrimonial proceedings , the Court staff can now sign it , which should provide for a quicker return ; it must be clear from the face of the order that it is " by consent " .
15 The Bar has lost by the gradual extension of county court jurisdiction ( where solicitors have the right of audience ) ; and the income limit for legal aid in civil cases has fallen well behind inflation , so that few people are now eligible for it .
16 The starting premiss here coincides with what is basically the common sense belief , viz. that things or entities constitute the hard core of reality .
17 Internal baffles or risers restrain the fabric gores to hold shape where practical , otherwise a central spine and spar structure is employed as we show for the Shark .
18 The ratings are only approximate and even where manufacturers quote a temperature as ‘ good down to … ’ these refer only to valley performances so camping at higher levels will require a warmer bag .
19 Grouse " potted whole , stowed singly into pots with clarified butter poured over " as described by Professor Saintsbury ( the old boy did n't miss much ) are infinitely enticing , exceedingly extravagant with butter and not very practical for these days , but you can make one young cooked grouse or partridge go a very long way by the simple method of chopping the flesh , freed from all skin and sinew with about one quarter of its weight in mild , rather fat , cooked ham .
20 In 1910 they issued two manifestos : ‘ We wish to represent machines or figures actually in motion … movement or light destroy the substance of objects . ’
21 Where steps follow the slope of a bank , retaining walls can also be stepped
22 The shore remains frozen until the summer thaw ; during summer the beaches and rocky shores alike are scoured by floating ice ; in consequence few plants or animals inhabit the intertidal or upper littoral zones .
23 Just like you , French Louvettes or Jeanettes make a promise , but they call it une Promesse .
24 When a substance undergoes a physical or chemical change a corresponding change in enthalpy is observed .
25 The dynamics of competition for viewers , readers or listeners provide no guarantee against the suppression of issues .
26 Losses on domestic mortgage indemnity policies alone , where insurers stand the first slice of losses on the sale of repossessed houses , were cut from £257 million in 1991 to £160 million .
27 And if skills associated with the new technology are specific to a particular occupation rather than to a firm , why should either employer or employee prefer a long-term contract with one employer rather than a consultancy contract for a particular piece of work ?
28 Secondly we asked , ‘ does your school or department have a staff appraisal scheme ? ’
29 Only occupants of the deep oceans or the darkest recesses of caves will escape such rhythmic influences and live instead in a world where the passage of daily time has no obvious consequence and where tides have no effect .
30 This is not — not yet — a crisis but it is a significant problem , reflected in the depressed state of northern club rugby , where Orrell carry the standard alone in the English First Division .
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