Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 the ownership of any equipment or computer software to be used in the proposed system
2 • Send check or money order to : International Trade Press 2 Townsend St. ,
3 Most of Eurotunnel 's shares are held and traded on the Paris market these days and there is fear that the company will end up issuing shares as full or part payment to Transmanche Link , the group of 10 contractors which are building the tunnel .
4 Most pay a rate of interest that will vary from time to time , but there is nothing to stop you moving your Tessa from one bank or building society to another if you think you can get a better return from another source .
5 Also prohibited was payment of ransom or protection money to the guerrillas by farmers and businesspeople ; companies proved to have paid such money would lose their operating licences .
6 The civil division of the Order of the Bath is the jealously guarded preserve of the home civil service , so that every six months a new crop of bureaucrats begin making their way from Companion of the Bath to Knight Commander or Dame Commander to Knight Grand Cross .
7 As the winner had to add a gold or silver medal to the trophy , it is obvious again that only the wealthy could compete and hope to win .
8 A transaction that conveyed title to readily marketable staples by endorsement of the bill of lading or warehouse receipt to the commercial , and subsequently to the central banker was encouraged .
9 A Coopers & Lybrand report to the Government on the possibilities of privatisation was delivered in summer 1988 , but since then the group has had little indication of what its fate might be .
10 Although the case of a limitation upon , or condition precedent to a right to serve a notice to quit , does not appear to have been the subject of judicial decision , his principle that , if a covenant affects a landlord qua landlord , it must necessarily run with the reversion , appears to me a sound criterion …
11 This might be via a dunk tank or entry port to an isolator or simply to a clean isolation room .
12 On the other hand , if the headtenant charges a profit element or management fee to the subtenants , the landlord may argue that profit ought to be taken into account .
13 Unacceptable standards of behaviour and attainment at Tyndale did not mean that all schools following an enquiry or discovery approach to learning were similarly failing .
14 Colour three-quarters ( about 675g/1½lb ) of the fondant grey with a little black food colouring and roll out on a surface dusted with icing sugar or corn flour to a large area .
15 It will be important for marketers to assess the experience of customers with their particular products in case it possesses some unsatisfactory performance or operating characteristic to which customers will eventually build up resistance .
16 Only when these are done , as Graham points out , should policy attempt to improve attendance by lower socio-economic group mothers through such financial sanctions as withholding or paying a reduced amount in maternity or child benefit to those mothers who do not attend such clinics or attend irregularly .
17 In particular , the symbol for gimmel would have become associated with some name or sound equivalent to that associated with the Roman ‘ G ’ ; the mem symbol and the Roman ‘ M ’ would also have acquired a common associate .
18 In this respect Hoyle shared some of Stenhouse 's view ( if only implicitly ) since his concept of the ‘ creative school ’ and his concept of the ‘ extended professional ’ imply that innovations are unlikely to be effective unless they take account of the need for organisational support within the school , or teacher commitment to professional development .
19 Hypnotics should be prescribed , preferably for short periods only , where insomnia secondary to distress is undermining in individual 's resources , such as during a severe grief reaction .
20 The software can automatically distinguish between various score types — everything from solo or piano music to conductors ' orchestral sheets with up to 16 staves per line — each part is assigned to a separate MIDI channel .
21 One is to take a supply from an existing loop-in ceiling rose or junction box to a new junction box , and then wire to the light switch and light fitting .
22 Under Gift Aid there are no formalities at the time of the gift , just a cheque or cash gift to the charity .
23 Early subjects of war art were often unimaginative , most typically portraits of military dignitaries or war damage to architecture .
24 Early subjects of war art were often unimaginative , most typically portraits of military dignitaries or war damage to architecture .
25 What Pomerance and others are attempting to do is to operationalise definitions for proximity , similarity , closure and those type of measures and then they 're seeing whether or not they 're using visual processing time or decision task or attention task to as v as ways of investigating the similarity or otherwise Take this one off or ?
26 Large grocery multiples and the oil companies have led the way in retail modelling , and some now reckon to be able to predict new store or site performance to within a few percentage points . "
27 ‘ Employers with work-stations already in place will have four years to make any improvements , providing there is no immediate health or safety risk to employees .
28 Although compensation was given to the deportees for possessions stolen from them during the journey , no compensation was offered to the schoolchildren who were forced by internment to leave school or job training to which , in most cases , they were unable to return .
29 Did n't he or Hank matter to her at all ?
30 The man did not think that Boy ever gave his address or phone number to anyone .
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