Example sentences of "[adv] much [verb] by " in BNC.

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1 He ignites the imagination , nevertheless , with glancing observations of Skye ‘ … so much indented by inlets of the Sea , that there is no part of it removed from the water by more than six miles ’ .
2 The exceptionally high absenteeism on Mondays and Fridays , which necessitated employing thirty per cent more workers than was economically justified , was not so much caused by the demon drink ; but because … etcetera , etcetera … .
3 Such misbehaviour of strata in their most classic sections leads me to have serious doubts ( in fact , positive hatred ) of the concept of the " stratotype " so much favoured by many continental workers .
4 You were so much loved by us all ,
5 Leonard was not so much brutalised by the experience , as anaesthetised : hence the recollection of only desire throughout his youth .
6 Britain has been so much influenced by America we no longer consider Woolies , Mars bars and shopping malls ( see last week ) to be American .
7 But here again the knowledge is so practical , so much preconditioned by behaviour , that it can be taught and is taught mainly by doing what they are told to do on particular occasions and by not being allowed to do or to touch certain things that are always within their experience .
8 ‘ Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few . ’
9 Then our 15 April cover — apparently featuring a map borrowed from ‘ Dad 's Army ’ — spoke of ‘ So much owed by so many to so few ’ .
10 Not so much bound by formal rules and procedures as large organisations .
11 Her husband , Norman , who works in the flatshop at Royal Tuscan , said : ‘ Dottie had been so much comforted by one of these special beds in her last weeks .
12 Our bondage to society is not so much established by conquest as by collusion … we are entrapped by our own social nature .
13 Their foil in the north gallery is a selection of eight important Minimalist sculptures by Barnett Newman , Robert Morris , Donald Judd , Sol LeWitt and Carl André , represented by a magnesium floor sculpture and ‘ Equivalent VIII ’ , the brick sculpture so much discussed by London 's taxi drivers .
14 This raised a cheer from the French , but I must admit the day belonged to Geordie and his special attributes , so much appreciated by the French .
15 Impossibly arrogant and handsome , teeth flashing beneath his ebony moustache , so much copied by the young Argentine bloods , black curls flowing from under a very unIrish tartan hat , Juan 's long thighs gripped a bay mare who was so glossy he could have checked his reflection in her quarters .
16 [ Yet ] give him [ the American ] all these advantages , and he will still be longing to cross the water , to get back to that old home of his fathers , so delightful in itself … the less wealthy , less cultivated , less fastidious class of Americans are not so much haunted by these longings …
17 But afterward that Royall and princelie pleasure being not so much esteemed by the late King Edward the Sixt ( by reason of his minoritie ) and by the two succeeding Queenes ( by reason of their sexe ) , the lesse care of the due execucon of the forest lawes consequentlie ensued , and the keeping of the Courts of Swainmote and justice Seate i.e. , the Forest Eyre became almost totallie neglected and disused ; whereof the inhabitants of the said fforest … taking advantage , did by degrees , especiallie towards the end of the raigne of the late Queene Elizabethe , encroach upon the said fforest lawes by commoning with sheepe .
18 Sandy was so much taken by surprise that her sickness was forgotten .
19 Strange , is n't it , or perhaps not so strange , that the word is so much used by theoreticians and so little used by artists themselves ?
20 Further , the word ‘ communion ’ , a term again involving a verbal identification of Church and Eucharist , was so much used by the Council that it has subsequently been seen to express the Council 's ecclesiology most profoundly and has been made great use of in such documents as those of ARCIC .
21 Two rivers enter the loch : the River Inver , coming down amongst trees from the hills behind , has a pleasant path alongside much used by anglers , with fishing platforms built over the rushing waters .
22 The Man with a Sheep is said to be humanitarian ; that is far from one 's experience in front of it , and the assertion is not much supported by the iconographical evidence .
23 The idea now under consideration , that we take effects to be probable events , is announced or expounded but not much supported by argument .
24 Kurecolor Marker Inks are not much disturbed by subsequent overlaying and it does not make any real difference whether line or broad colour is put down first .
25 However , most normal materials are not much affected by considerations of dynamic and static loading .
26 As an infection carried on the air and in milk , diphtheria was not much affected by changes in living standards .
27 The toad 's response to different sized objects is not much affected by learning ; to find cases where learning has an influence we must turn to animals with more catholic diets .
28 Saving , he maintained , depends mainly on the level of national income and is not much affected by changes in interest rates .
29 Refusing to credit that story , he was obviously not much moved by the excitements that flowed from it .
30 He was entirely comfortable with the predictable opinion of the Senior Chief Inspector of Schools who confessed that ‘ I am not much moved by what appears to sacrifice the interests of the few in favour of the many when one result is certain to be that the quality of the person required to fill posts of great importance and of a highly specialized nature is likely to be degraded . ’
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