Example sentences of "[adv] run to the " in BNC.

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1 He would constantly talk about it , constantly running to the doctor . ’
2 ‘ Perhaps it 's all run to the bottom , or gone dry . ’
3 At the last fence Crisp , though he walloped the gorse into the air , still held a substantial lead , but Red Rum — with twenty-three pounds less on his back — was charging along now , and it was simply a matter of whether Crisp could survive the desperately long run to the winning post .
4 Nor did Gillian , who talked just as if she 'd only just run to the signpost and back .
5 Donizetti 's resources did not run to the excesses a more modern composer would have applied in depicting a tormented mind .
6 More significantly still , these straight roads sometimes do not run to the nearest village but continue for some miles through open country , reaching the villages by means of side-roads .
7 Just to run to the end of his endurance — and then to go on .
8 ‘ I remember when Jason first came and auditioned for me one day after school in his school uniform , very hot and perspiring , and a typical teenage schoolboy who had just run to the audition .
9 The dog will always run to the owner to be reassured .
10 Below them , from right to left , the river Forth ran to the sea : a silver inlay of zig-zags in a great plain chequered with corn and green mosses and the harsh buff and sliced resilient brown of peat-beds .
11 Anna quickly runs to the back of the house with the ladder .
12 If someone drops a pebble a metre away from a ghost crab , the crab will instantly run to the spot .
13 Barbel inhabit all kinds of swims in a river , from the fastest run to the slackest pools .
14 However , instead of driving the chair into the lumbering reptile , which would stop her impetus , she sidestepped , jumped past the creature and carried on running to the door .
15 When the girl shrieked , ‘ Mummy ! ’ she fairly ran to the front door , with a cry of , ‘ What is it ?
16 Faltering economies rarely run to the assistance of others .
17 Sorrel could n't run to the back of an envelope , but found instead a spare section of Filofax pages , just about the most expensive scribble pad you could get short of using ten-pound notes .
18 They milled together and dismounted , the two Myrcans immediately running to the rear to intercept the pursuit .
19 But , he insisted , Barth was simply running to the opposite extreme from the Enlightenment 's rejection of revelation in favour of reason , and eroding the theological significance of the natural realm altogether .
20 Meanwhile at New Bradwell , boys would rush home from school to collect lunch baskets , place them in hand trucks , and then run to the messroom ( over one mile ) , so the meal was plated just before the men came out of work .
21 She almost ran to the door .
22 I pulled the door shut and almost ran to the front door and into Langdon Crescent garden , where I stood for five minutes breathing in the fresh air .
23 After my first look at root directory I almost ran to the garden shed for my gardening tools .
24 She almost ran to the stage door , opened it , leaned on the outside .
25 Juliet almost ran to the first house , which sported a wooden sign behind a straggly hawthorn hedge .
26 Adams stated that whilst he and Moore were at supper he saw an unusual light in the direction of the Body Shop but , instead of going to see what it was and turning on the water from the hydrants to endeavour to arrest the progress of the flames , he caused the alarm bell to be rung and then ran to the gate to admit the Fire Brigade .
27 The spell was broken , the pool was rippled from its serenity by the way he snapped instructions to her and then ran to the Administration block .
28 The crowds on the platform shrieked at them and banged on the glass , then ran to the end of the carriages to climb on to the roof .
29 As he paused at the exit she then ran to the front of the car and stretched her arms across its bonnet .
30 He then runs to the bowl of popcorn and tries to spoon as much as possible into the container on his head .
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