Example sentences of "[adv] only for the " in BNC.

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1 Take away the self-interest , and the residual appeal is enough only for the wholly unselfish .
2 It is used elsewhere only for the watertight " basket " in which the baby Moses floated on the Nile — an interesting parallel .
3 Where vaned cowls are to be replaced , it is not advisable for them to be fixed in place , not only for the sake of authenticity , but also to simplify maintenance .
4 He noted that the Canberra meeting ‘ is the start of something which could grow into a very significant development not only for the region but for the global economy . ’
5 President Mitterrand of France ( and he 's not alone in this ) has been anxious that too swift a move to reunify the two Germanys could destabilise Gorbachev , something that could spell disaster not only for the West but for the balance of world power .
6 On Good Friday 1958 the first march set out for Aldermaston , the atomic research establishment in Berkshire , under the CND symbol , a black circle forked with a white ‘ drooping cross ’ , the semaphore symbols for N and D , which became the membership badge not only for the campaign but for a certain kind of non-conformity among young people .
7 . ’ Another woman , repeating with incredulity that such things could happen while the Führer was standing by his soldiers at the Front in the fight against Bolshevism , said blessings would go out from the crucifixes in the schools ‘ not only for the children themselves , but also for our Führer and his soldiers , who are our sons , fathers , and brothers ’ .
8 It goes far towards helping to account not only for the high and growing degree of relative autonomy from non-Nazi élites enjoyed by Hitler and the Nazi leadership , but also — as the counterweight to terror , repression , and intimidation — for the weakness of resistance to the regime .
9 Most people who made the pilgrimage found it well worth their while , not only for the quality of the music-making but also for a quality of staging and design that pointedly bypassed the often musically ruinous fads of post-war directors ' opera in order to re-establish contact with an older and still valid tradition that goes back , with a passing glance at the work of Wieland Wagner , through Gründgens and Reinhardt to Roller and Mahler and , in some respects , Wagner himself .
10 Kylie Ann Minogue weighed in at just over 6lbs and was immediately established as the darling not only for the Minogues and their friends , but of mum Carol 's network of relatives who had emigrated with her from Wales to Australia .
11 In India , fixed-price shops exist not only for the benefit of travellers ; locals use them as well .
12 There are many differences between these two bodies , but a detailed comparative study could be useful not only for the two areas involved but also for the southern European countries about to join the EEC .
13 We can not in justice omit to mention the establishing of the Publick Botanick Garden at Chelsea by the Worshipful Company of the Apothecaries of London , not only for the instruction of such as should be employed in the compounding of medicines , in the particular simples therein used ( which alone is a very laudable design ) but also for introducing still a greater variety of trees and plants , which although their virtues or uses are not at present known , yet may hereinafter be found of excellent use for many purposes in life .
14 In Florida , the Caribbean , Queensland , and South East Asia they may be extremely extensive , and are important not only for the huge variety of life within them crabs , spiders , molluscs — but also for the many creatures that visit them for food ( herons , egrets ) and which breed in the shelter they provide .
15 This chapter has argued not only for the compatibility of faith with intellectual uncertainty , but even for the necessity of such uncertainty for faith .
16 This group is remarkable not only for the quality of its work , but also for the fact that no individual has ever been known by name ; only the corporate identity has come down across the years .
17 The increased demand for agricultural produce , not only for the refugee population but also for the new markets to the east , which replaced the previous west-facing economy , brought government in Amman and the landowners of the West Bank closer together .
18 The guidelines issued to the National Heritage Memorial Fund allowed it to give grants , not only for the purchase of outstanding buildings , land and works of artistic and historic interest , but also to provide endowments for major houses threatened with sale .
19 For unknown reasons some biologists , not least in America , have recently taken to saying Algy as in Algernon , not only for the plural ‘ algae ’ , which is — just — forgivable , but also for the singular ‘ alga ’ , which is not . )
20 With Labour welfarism out of fashion , and neo-liberalism in vogue , the scene was set , not only for the downgrading of local authority power ( including the outright abolition of the Greater London Council and the metropolitan authorities which , though actually limited in their spending power , were nevertheless the coordinators and vocal champions of many inner urban schemes ) , but also for the injection of national party dogma into the management of local affairs .
21 The rise in the oil price after 1979 was mainly responsible not only for the growth in the share of this group of products in total imports from 1979 to 1984 but also for its decline during the following three years .
22 In order to maintain health , both personal and public , much energy has to be directed at maintaining an external environment which is as safe as possible , not only for the present but for future generations to inherit .
23 The remaining two use many sources and one undertakes its own detailed analyses which are done regularly not only for the planning process but for general economic surveys of geographical areas , industries etc .
24 While it is essential , not only for the support through food supply for indigenous populations but also to provide a sound base on which economic progress can be made , it is unfortunate that in so many cases injudicious land-use practices have negated the very factor , increased productivity , that they sought to improve .
25 Though Booth 's study did produce categories of poverty which showed that many people who were in employment were still below the poverty line , and Rowntree 's work was memorable , not only for the detailed way in which he examined the financial needs of households , but also for his concepts of ‘ primary ’ and ‘ secondary ’ poverty and the ‘ poverty cycle ’ .
26 Reflection upon the experience is not only for the individual student however .
27 Learners can evaluate a film not only for the content , but also for the teaching method .
28 ‘ It was , of course , 44 hard-working days , not only for the army , but also for the transmigrants who got involved , ’ Soeriaatmadja later told me .
29 Another casualty of this bombing raid was the Royal West of England School for the Deaf at Exeter , which at that time had seemed a safe haven , not only for the children of the area the school served , but also for the 52 children and staff of the Anerley School for the Deaf , London , who had been evacuated there on 14th September 1939 .
30 There were , of course , many participants in this discussion , but Bukharin and Preobrazhensky stand out not only for the number of contributions they made but also because of the quality of these interventions .
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