Example sentences of "[adv] only in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This came along only in fact in the , in the late nineteen fifties early sixties .
2 Socialist policy to state industries was laid down only in part in President Mitterrand 's campaign ’ Letter to the French ’ during last year 's election .
3 It is capable of defecting , but it does so only in retaliation .
4 Many country banks lent in their own notes , but others did so only in coin or in Bank of England notes or bills and drafts .
5 If such is the case , it would follow that the 500-akce kadilik is a sixteenth-century invention and that in so far as 300- and 500-akce kadiliks have significance in hierarchical terms in the sense that the former ranked below the latter-they do so only in regard to the kadiliks created in the sixteenth century and later .
6 He must seek the advice of the wisest money-brokers and buy a pension scheme if he be self-employed ; he must see to it that he does not over-extend himself on the mortgage front ; he must run a motor car that does n't drink petrol like tapwater and wo n't break him every time it needs a service from a franchised dealer ; above all , he must abstain from vicious pleasures — or if he needs must indulge , then he must do so only in moderation .
7 It was , after all , to be found not only in textile manufacture , but in nailmaking and some branches of the metal smallware trade .
8 Secondly , we were made aware of the effects of what can be described as liberation thinking and liberation theology not only in South America but only , also , in the Pacific regions Asia , Japan and Korea .
9 The ‘ Entebbe Maths ’ in the ‘ sixties and for the ‘ sixties was a success story and one which laid the foundation for interest and expertise in curriculum development not only in Mathematics but in other subjects as well .
10 Just to add to the confusion , there are several populations of livingstonii , varying not only in coloration , but also in size .
11 Not only in school contexts , but in hospitals and day centres and at home , the new relationship has become a teacher/pupil one .
12 He was a man of stern self-discipline , whose highest value was that of truth , not only in word , but in thought and theological study .
13 Missionary societies and church denominations are involved not only in church planting but also in giving advice and assistance in such fields as Education and Health Care , etc .
14 Its frank , American sexiness became , itself , a world-wide fashion , emulated in London , Paris , Tokyo — and filtering through society rapidly , so that the Weber look was not only in evidence in Bond Street or Knightsbridge but at supermarket checkouts and filling stations .
15 However , with the weather in Scotland in April less of a concern , World Cup directors Marcel Martin , Russ Thomas and Keith Rowlands argue that a World Cup requires the highest standards not only in skill and ability but also in stamina and fitness .
16 None the less , their ability to achieve rapid movements not only in battle but , more important , before it , and to act in unison with the men-at-arms ( who were also mounted ) made them into ‘ by far the most important element in the armies which fought in France ’ .
17 I wanter to make sure I was properly covered , not only in case of damage to the car , but in case something were to happen to me too . ’
18 Except , perhaps , to underline that Venice has now become a problem of national priority , not only in actuality but in the collective consciousness .
19 Hopwood , a case in which the House of Lords upheld the decision of the district auditor to surcharge members of Poplar Borough Council for maintaining a minimum wage for its employees which was not only in excess of wage rates in the area but was also paid to men and women alike .
20 They did their best to include me as ‘ family ’ , but I felt rather forlorn and sad , so far from those I loved , and from one especially , not only in distance but in spirit .
21 I did n't actually see anyone touch their forelock , but from the moment when Mrs Field accompanied the entry of the turkey with blasts of a hunting horn , to shots of Hannah primly seated , timidly moving one foot to the music , I knew this was a world far removed , not only in distance but in time , from the pace of urban life in which I move . ’
22 THE recovery of no fewer than eleven kinds of filamentous microfossil from 3,465-million-year-old rocks in Western Australia ( J. W. Schopf Science 260 , 640–646 ; 1993 ) , shows that life was not only in existence a few hundred million years after the planet was formed , but was thriving : rarely does one find single fossils of this antiquity , let alone entire communities .
23 And , as we know , many solicitors engage not only in conveyancing but also in providing estate agency services .
24 Not only in biotechnology and in computer science ; even in archaeology and fine art , we see that academics ( advising new museums and making television films ) are finding with no little alacrity that their intellectual capital is highly marketable .
25 It all adds up to some very big changes , not only in direction but also in the whole philosophy of Russia 's attitude to the West .
26 This is so not only in physics , but also in mathematics , which , we might have supposed , does provide knowledge of the real natures of numbers and geometrical figures , and demonstrations about the causes of their properties .
27 Rich is personal expression and influence we mix pigment not only in response to the subject , but through our mood at the time of painting .
28 Therefore group effort on behalf of the company is reflected not only in working hours , but also in voluntary overtime clubs or quality control circles that meet outside regular working hours .
29 Many growers , not only in Champagne but throughout France , still innocently cultivate Pinot Blanc Vrai believing it to be Chardonnay , although anyone with doubts need only look at the leaves on the vine .
30 They originate not only in Parliament but also in the courts .
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