Example sentences of "[adv] come to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Later , after a deliberately nostalgic and painful visit to St Juliot in March 1913 , he was able to look back at their early days together in ‘ At Castle Boterel ’ , ‘ Beeny Cliff ’ , ‘ The phantom horsewoman ’ , and eventually to come to terms , however imperfectly , with his memories .
2 Other important casting centres have since come to light in Nigeria and some hundreds of castings have been analysed .
3 Lord Taylor , the Lord Chief Justice , sitting with Mr Justice Judge and Mr Justice Hidden , said they could not be sure that the original trial jury would have reached the same verdict if it had heard evidence which had since come to light .
4 I had not only come to faith .
5 With the exception of a few New Zealand government officials , the other inhabitants had only come to Koraloona because they preferred it to life in reduced circumstances in a big city .
6 The new government pledged itself to deal with a range of serious environmental problems affecting the country , the extent of many of which had only come to light after the collapse of communist rule .
7 Both of us need a few moments alone to come to terms with things .
8 It was as though the carved angel by the lectern had suddenly come to life .
9 It is as if the words had suddenly come to life inside my head .
10 Oh well , if she was unwise enough to come to tea , Gina was unlikely to try the same thing again .
11 There are elements of a vicious version of the hermeneutic circle involved : people do n't like poetry because they have n't read enough to come to terms with it , and they have n't read enough because they do n't like it .
12 By this time Steven was old enough to come to terms with the divorce , but Matthew still found it difficult .
13 But now , nearly thirty years later , when he thought he had long come to terms with the deed and his own reaction to it , memory had begun to stir again .
14 He only came to life when she began unbuttoning his trousers , for as she touched his fly buttons , so he grabbed at his belt .
15 ( The General Next to God , Collins ) Many of his far-reaching proposals only came to fruition during the social reforms after the Second World War .
16 Part of the scandal only came to light when an eagle-eyed bank clerk spotted changes made to the bank destination information on an authorised cheque from Craven Grain .
17 The crimes only came to light in 1990 when one of Oldfield 's victims , then an adult , was himself charged with indecency to children .
18 This new evidence was held by the defence and only came to light during the trial .
19 Parts of the contents of the manual only came to light as a result of criminal trials following an incident at Orgreave during the strike , at which some of the techniques were implemented for the first time .
20 The spraying of the pesticide , Galecron , took place in 1976 , but only came to light during a recent Swiss TV programme .
21 ( Details only came to light in 1972 , when London Transport received a compulsory purchase order , in connection with a further rebuilding of the bridge . )
22 The offences only came to light because of an attempt to inflate profits at Alexander Howden , which was discovered by the American company Alexander and Alexander after it bought the company .
23 It only came to light today . ’
24 News of the car smuggling scandal only came to light when Col. Luis Catalino González Rojas , commander of the fourth infantry division , defied orders and leaked evidence of the affair to the press .
25 ‘ But , unfortunately , this undesirable side to your brother 's character only came to light after I 'd hired you .
26 The assault only came to light four days later , when he went to hospital for treatment .
27 Her case only came to light because the Health Authority meeting were mistakenly sent to the media .
28 The matter only came to light when police , conducting an inquiry into the running of children 's homes in North Wales , interviewed the boy last year .
29 The matter only came to light when police , conducting an inquiry into the running of children 's homes in North Continued on Page 5 Continued from Page 1 Wales , interviewed the boy last year .
30 Police were not informed and the matter only came to light last year during a police investigation into the running of children 's homes in North Wales .
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