Example sentences of "[adv] some [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Altogether some 10,000ft of ascent and descent are needed , often steep , rocky and energetic , so only fit , capable and committed walkers should attempt this route .
2 The very next year ( 1590 ) he provided music for the pastoral interludes of Tasso 's Aminta and two other pastorals which was in an ‘ altro modo di cantare che l'ordinario ’ , presumably some kind of recitative .
3 But Melville 's claim that James was ‘ vexed by some unkindly medicine ’ sounds more like a comment on sixteenth-century doctors than poisoners ; and his other explanation , that he died ‘ for displeasure ’ — presumably some form of extreme nervous exhaustion — is probably as close as we can get to what happened .
4 The witness was subsequently recalled and it was established that her particular work ( presumably some form of basting or binding ) could not be accomplished by machine .
5 Having reluctantly cleared me of the charge of indulging in orgies with my entire sales force , you seem to have got it into your head that Lexy and I are carrying on some kind of affair .
6 All six degrees of freedom are seen to take on some zone of possible position or angle .
7 If paragliders can at least get away with their sport when safely airborne , since they then take on some element of grace and beauty , the mountain biker will always look a clod .
8 If rebates are extensive this takes on some aspects of an income tax too .
9 In an age when insurance against all forms of liability is commonplace , it is surely not surprising or unjust if law makes persons who carry on some kinds of hazardous undertakings liable for the harm they do , unless they can excuse or justify it on some recognisable ground . ’
10 While we maintained pressure on the company , CCW published the results of a three-year study showing how badly some parts of Wales had already been damaged by acid rain .
11 Luckily some friends of mine , who are in Georgia at the moment , have said I can stay in their flat for a couple of nights .
12 Then perhaps some joints of meat , or a fowl .
13 Perhaps some component of Pascal 's restless questioning was due to his displacement through recurrent ill-health , but what makes his questionings still worth reading , is that they confront the foundations of our existence and that despite the fact that he is sometimes seen merely as a Catholic apologist .
14 Perhaps some kind of spell was broken .
15 Nor had he wished to descend to the level of bureaucracy : he had hoped to succeed as a violinist , but lack of money ( and perhaps some want of talent , to which he did not admit ) had stood in his way .
16 This having been done the whole program is in x — IF/ALT , as required , after perhaps some renaming of bound variables .
17 Perhaps some parts of the civil rights movement were genuinely , rather than tactically , assimilationist …
18 The areas beyond these terminal reaves contain burial and religious monuments which in some cases must be earlier ; so perhaps some respect of older features is implied , an aspect which can be seen elsewhere where barrows and barrow cemeteries seem to have been avoided rather than ignored when the later fields were laid out .
19 At this stage the selector should note down as much information as possible against each title , including the reason it was marked as a possible purchase — because recommended in a select bibliography , for instance , or as a replacement for a much-used copy on the shelves — and perhaps some form of starring system to identify titles thought to be outstanding of their kind .
20 Whatever type of communication system we use , we can break it down into the following parts : ( a ) a source of information ( b ) a device which converts the information into a suitable form for transmission ( c ) the means of communication ( channel of communication ) itself ( d ) perhaps some form of processing circuit(s) at intervals along the way ( e ) a destination for the signal and its conversion into a suitable form ( which is normally that of the original ) and , finally , ( f ) the receiver of the information .
21 William was only 34 when his last child was born , while his father had been 43 ; perhaps some form of contraception did account for William and Mary Ann stopping short at those four children ?
22 Instead , courts would in practice normally set a new payments schedule , allowing repossession ( or perhaps some form of money sanction instead ) if the new schedule was not kept up .
23 The garden was my father 's pride and joy , the real expression of his creativity , perhaps some echo of his boyhood on a South Yorkshire farm .
24 Perhaps some indication of how this reacted on me may be gleaned from memory , One of the medical wing commanders at the hospital — H.E .
25 Scottie is afraid of men , perhaps some remnant of her unknown past .
26 Like other Pseudocrenilabrus , males have an orange tip to the anal fin , which is apparently some sort of egg dummy , akin the anal ocelli in most haplochromines .
27 They have a 40% vote in the choice of the Labour leader ( with the party 's MPs and its rank-and-file sharing the rest ) ; up to 40% in the choice of parliamentary candidates ; and hitherto some 90% of the vote at the party 's annual conference , though this will come down to 70% this year .
28 This also generalizes er the trigger , is basically some kind of negative element .
29 A resolution of this issue , which is not a pressing matter , would need also to take account of the fact that speakers do , in practice , use sentences which could be taken as instances of a third possible equational type ( if this is not to be regarded as merely some kind of linguistic jeu d'esprit ) : ( 37 ) cautiously is the way we should proceed In both of these two cases , the question is whether a property concept can fill a position which would otherwise be reserved for an entity .
30 Although there was clear authority at that time for the proposition that a man could not be guilty of the rape of a woman who lived with him outside marriage , Hale himself curtailed it by stating that cohabitation was not a defence but merely some evidence of consent .
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