Example sentences of "[adv] see that [art] " in BNC.

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1 He looks annoyed , but then on seeing that the victim has the only chair , he curbs his irritation .
2 The number of safety advisers working in the field in SWWA 's region was reduced from six to two after a visit from the government 's ‘ flying accountants ’ , brought in to see that the Authority met its ‘ performance aims ’ after financial cuts in 1980 .
3 One more adventurous boy decided to explore the overgrown slope behind the hut and he was pushing his way through the undergrowth when he caught sight of a figure approaching the hut further down the slope ; the boy was close enough to see that the figure was that of a tramp wearing tattered clothing and crowned with a battered trilby hat .
4 Quite apart from the facts , however , his Lordship found the greatest difficulty in seeing that the claim was made out in law .
5 I also have a personal interest in seeing that the development goes ahead in a way that will only enhance the town . ’
6 That " something " happened three hours later , when Martin , cold and tired but still with his Nikon FM2 and 300 mm lens around his neck , suddenly saw that the ship was about to explode .
7 It is Philistine not to see that a fact and a theory , simple components of tenuous knowledge , are a way not necessarily of controlling nature , but of coming to terms with it , of playing homage ; science is less arrogant in many ways than the arts of landscape or of poetising , mainly because it is content to describe the world as it is .
8 Certainly so far as we are concerned we would completely recognise your position and we are in fact , since your position is shared by several other experts in their respective fields who have been good enough to assist us in this venture , doing our very best to see that the names of those who are taking part in the policy study groups do not become public property .
9 Ellen caught my eye , and we stared at each other for a sympathetic fraction of a second , then I looked away to see that the sticky liquid had sprayed across the teak planks .
10 However , it is easily seen that a single false positive will create a fork in a map ( a loop in a graph or a shared branch in a tree ) .
11 We have already seen that a sulphonamide acts as a false building block ; it fits into the construction but is the wrong shape for farther blocks to be added .
12 We have already seen that a murder is necessary in a detective story , if only to tell the reader that this is something worth attention .
13 But within these categories , each cell has a wide range of potentialities : we have already seen that an ectodermal cell can give rise to skin or , if induced by the eye cup , to lens .
14 For we have already seen that an increased proportion of defendants committed for trial to the Crown Court during the 1990s has led to an expanded population of remand prisoners .
15 We have already seen that the first question has usually been answered by emphasizing either the primary value of the protection the group gives to individuals from predators or the value of gregariousness in relation to finding food .
16 We have already seen that the doctor may well honour this principle more in the breach than the observance if he is so minded .
17 We have already seen that the weathercock effect due to forward flight makes the tail rotor too effective .
18 Thus we have already seen that the provision of ( hardware ) index registers provides a facility ( instruction modification ) which previously had to be provided by software , and the interrupt facility is the hardware equivalent of scattering transput test instructions through a program .
19 We have already seen that the committee structure devised for this purpose was in many ways unsatisfactory but that some useful and interesting inservice activities did result from the project .
20 First , senior members of the Labour Party broke with the party over the issue of these constitutional changes in order to form the SDP , and we have already seen that the SDP wishes to fashion a new constitution for the country .
21 We have already seen that the work of Marslen-Wilson and Tyler ( 1980 ) supports an interactive view of processing in which different levels — phonological , syntactic , semantic and pragmatic — actively communicate with each other .
22 We have already seen that the comprehension of individual clauses and sentences in written and spoken language can be influenced by information that is not contained within the sentence or clause itself , that is , information that is extra-sentential .
23 However in Chapter 3 we have already seen that the peak static torque of a three-phase motor is the same for one- and two-phases-on and this result therefore extends to the pull-out torque at low speeds .
24 We have already seen that the appearance of Dartmoor is man-made ; following woodland clearance the soil degraded , and eventually blanket bog , and possibly a cooler and wetter climate , led people to abandon permanent settlements there and use the moor solely as temporary seasonal pasture ( and later for mining ) .
25 We have already seen that the options market is symmetrical in that only one form of contract is needed , either calls or puts .
26 One possible reason for this would be that fixed information may simply not be attended in the judgment phase , after all , we have already seen that the amount of such information present does not appear to be related to risk ratings ( r(46)=0.15 between studies , r(48)=0.13 within the ratings scales study alone ) or accident estimates ( r(46)=0.23 between studies ) .
27 We have already seen that the answer is the obvious one that the sequence oral-anal-phallic is determined in the main by developmental physiology .
28 We have already seen that the social activity of " chattin " Patois " involves a speaker 's using relatively more Creole features than s/he usually does when speaking " ordinary English " .
29 We have already seen that the smaller eddies contribute relatively less to the Reynolds stress than to the energy ( illustrated for a different flow by Fig. 21.1 ) .
30 We have just seen that a non-resonant photon will normally leave an encounter with a molecule unchanged in energy , but it may very rarely lose energy to the molecule and emerge as a Raman-shifted photon of lower energy .
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