Example sentences of "[adv] all [art] way " in BNC.

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1 As well they might , since ‘ my learned friend and I ’ are cooperating very nicely all the way to the bank . )
2 From there on , the topography is less demanding , the road undulating gently all the way to Monmouth .
3 Though we need not go along all the way with this characteristically provocative view ( and even Keller found ‘ a few playable exceptions ’ ) , I confess to wondering whether this is not one of those issues motivated less by musical need than by the pious opportunism of which we saw so much in the bicentenary year .
4 The foot-traveller shared the driving-board with Garvey , their elbows and heads pressed close together all the way into Horsey , and their voices murmuring .
5 All I 'd need is a few fags to keep me awake and I 'd have my foot down all the way .
6 " Oh no , it goes down all the way and sacrifices itself .
7 Nature : Mondays at 8pm. 2nd , Greenpeace : Has ‘ green fatigue ’ set in , and is this the fault of the message or the messenger ? 9th , Down All the Way : More than one billion dollars is being spent developing the Alps for the coming Winter Olympics , but at what cost to the environment ? 16th , ( last in series ) : In Bangladesh , the lives of thousands of children are blighted by iodine deficiency .
8 And then you tu- you go all the way down all the way down , and then you turn right at Bridge Street .
9 That English tradition of the amateur is of course a long one , and by no means ignoble , reaching back as it does through John Morley to Walter Bagehot , to Burke , to Addison , and so all the way to Philip Sidney and the Renaissance all-round man .
10 So all the way round there are attacks taking place .
11 The framing on the two end panels is made flush all the way around .
12 ‘ We have taken a step backward , ’ Ryan said — and on this sorry evidence it looks as if it will be backwards all the way when the Test takes place at Cardiff Arms Park on 4 November .
13 The impact of the boar 's body rolled that leopard over and over all the way back to the forest edge and finally threw him up into the air in a somersault .
14 It does take us some of the way , but not all the way .
15 The Lombards had soon occupied an area that extended as far south as Perugia , though not all the way east to the Adriatic coast .
16 Or do you mean that 's as far as you 'll be able to go — not all the way ? ’
17 That 's not all the way round , that 's just multiplying one by the other .
18 Eric Nicoli , group chief executive , said yesterday that Keebler would recover this year — though not all the way in one go .
19 Not all the way .
20 I hope this traffic jam 's not all the way to Croydon .
21 Its not , its not all the way through it ,
22 No , well up to a certain extent I am afraid , not all the way .
23 I thought ‘ oh no , not all the way back to the east end of London and risk my car being smashed to bits ’ , but there was Jim and Paul Simpson on the left , dazzling , running rings around those irons .
24 Not all the way .
25 Characteristically , this picture is not so much " open-ended " as open all the way round .
26 Staring out of the carriage window at the dismal , wind-torn countryside , a plastic cup of weak British Rail coffee untouched in front of her , she brooded non-stop all the way to London .
27 Following her along the well-worn path to the side of the mound , Mungo could see that the tomb extended for perhaps sixty feet , falling gradually all the way from the high-point of the entrance .
28 They climbed back into the jeep and went on along the rutted lane , lurching and splashing through deep puddles , the Brigadier worrying audibly all the way because ‘ things were n't as they should be . ’
29 ‘ I think I shall be able to guide you home all the way , Uncle George , ’ she said .
30 And he drove them home all the way , presumably with the help of his dogs .
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