Example sentences of "[adv] would [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If I 'd paused for more thought I perhaps would n't have had the nerve , but I simply opened his door , checked up and down the corridor for observers ( none ) and went inside , shutting myself in .
2 And , and I mean I , I , I 'm making I 'm mak I 'm deliberately making these points because he is viewed as someone who perhaps would n't have been a Sun type but more of a , a Telegraph type or whatever , but when you 've analyzed his , his words and his speeches and everything else in terms of what we 're talking about the tabloids or broadsheets or whatever , you know he would , his language would have fitted in more neatly to the tabloid style than the the Telegraph style .
3 Ninety percent of them said yes , that it depends on how you present the figures , so in actual fact I wonder how our tenant farmers all of a sudden find themselves in a position that they perhaps would rather sign a petition and not put their heads above the parapet bearing in mind you are in a community , bear in mind you are connected , bear in mind that your livelihood is with those others and I have to say it is true that a certain business in my area connected with farming has been threatened .
4 The fact that growing numbers of students are making the personal decision to go into higher education each year suggests strongly that our system of student support , far from providing a deterrent , is encouraging more people to go into higher education , who perhaps would not have had the confidence to do so or the belief that it is appropriate for them .
5 Two divers had gone down into the river during the morning , but had found no item of relevance ; and perhaps would not have recognised its relevance had they found it .
6 Carolyn did not move back to her mother 's , as Bryony ( who perhaps would never stop being jealous ; Clare 's mistakes were as often with women as men ) had hoped , and as Clare herself had half expected .
7 Much would clearly depend on the availability of resources , as some RACs stated that they had insufficient to meet even the targets for induction contained in Circular 11/77 while others indicated that all the targets would be met with existing resources .
8 She had nothing at all to go on , I thought , except that phone call , and she naturally would n't admit to having listened to that .
9 When Rebecca Kraemer remarked , as the last murmurs of the slow movement died away , that it was such a pity the conductor was still following the now-discredited Haas edition , she was telling everyone within earshot — which included half the audience — everything that Alison could have wanted them to know but naturally would n't have dreamt of mentioning herself .
10 By this time Long would not have been a possible leader , and so the third contender of 1911 alone remained : Austen Chamberlain .
11 In making it Curtis helped to unleash a force which before long would profoundly challenge the British claim to dominion in India .
12 Why do n't the B B C , both radio and television , take advertising , and then we not only would not need to pay an extra twenty quid , we probably would n't need to pay the eighty odd pounds that we 're paying already for a colour television licence .
13 Although the defendant programmer would not be allowed simply to copy the programs in question , he would not be required to " wipe clean the slate of his memory " because to do so would unduly restrict his use of his own training , skill and experience .
14 In R. v. Monopolies and Mergers Commission , ex parte Argyll Group plc Lord Donaldson MR said that courts must show ‘ a proper awareness of the needs of public administration ’ : a court should be wary of striking down a decision if it is clear that the same decision would have been made even if the decision-maker had not acted unlawfully ; or if doing so would unduly delay the conduct of government business ; or if members of the public are likely already to have relied on the challenged decision ; or if the court thinks that the applicant 's motivation in making the application was improper or vexatious or frivolous .
15 Further to this I suggest that the optional extra subbuteo old trafford have the name written on the box as opposed to a picture as most of their ‘ so called ’ fans have never been there and so would n't recognise it .
16 There was no advantage in taking them back to the barn where they 'd been born , as when we found them they were too young ever to have been out of it , so would n't have known their way around .
17 He was n't out on the Safari circuit with Brian Harley so would n't have picked up his bonuses . ’
18 It was the time when he had to choose between , on the one hand , learning to limit the purely sensual pleasures offered him by his physical evolution , and on the other hand , accepting that failure to do so would either destroy or delay the enjoyment of the much broader and deeper pleasures which were becoming available to him by virtue of the developing emotions within him .
19 it was supposed that , like their predecessors , they would be inactive and so would not waste much of the tester 's time .
20 This seems a rather arbitrary procedure since most Scottish speakers — including educated speakers — do not have in their phonological systems a contrast between front and back low vowels and so would not differentiate these pairs .
21 I agree about the idiot bit … but on the whole people who have degrees at least tend to know if they are being completely dense , so would not advertise their problems with ATM 's .
22 Taylor could risk Platt at Wembley next Wednesday , but the feeling is that doing so would not go down too well with Juventus .
23 For the record , too , the Press spokesman said the president only had the haircut because he was assured that doing so would not tie up traffic at the airport .
24 It appears , however , that this immunity enjoyed by the Crown is contrary to the EC law principle of effective protection and so would not apply in a case involving rights in EC law .
25 But when the dentist had announced that it was urgently necessary to extract two teeth Mills had got up and walked away , glad that he had n't taken off his coat and so would not have to enter into any further discussion while he recovered it from the waiting-room .
26 " Regulated business " is defined by the COB Rules to mean either of the following : ( 1 ) Investment business carried on from a UK office ( of the firm or of an appointed representative ) ; this is the case even if the customer is a non-UK client and even if an account officer goes overseas to meet him ; or ( 2 ) Investment business carried on from a non-UK office with or for customers in the UK , except where that business would not be treated as carried on in the UK ( and so would not require FSA authorisation ) if the non-UK office had been a separate person ; this exception , in effect , provides the " foreign business carve-out " from the COB Rules for business with UK customers ( see page 40 below ) ; certain marketing rules are , however , brought back in ( see page 42 below ) .
27 Even the thought of doing so would not enter the hearts of most .
28 England 's bowlers clearly save their best deliveries for these five-minute breaks , so would more breaks mean more much-needed wickets for England ?
29 To do so would seriously undermine our understanding of how people are not only constrained by , but also through their actions change , the deeper structures in which they are caught up .
30 Furthermore , he says he can find no example of a large mainframe user ever downsizing , adding that to do so would inevitably lead to lower company profits .
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