Example sentences of "[adv] which [modal v] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Alternatively , they are matters together with those specifically mentioned below which would influence me against granting an injunction .
2 I I would hope to be able to party conference probably only which would mean turning up either Friday night or Saturday morning .
3 This will enable you to make a thicker yarn by twisting several yarns together which will give a tweed effect when knitted up .
4 The consultation paper also proposes the abolition of pre-hearing assessments and the substitution of a pre-hearing review by a chairman acting alone which would have three objectives :
5 For it is the company and the company alone which can stand as proxy for the underlying clients , its stakeholders ( and in particular the shareholders , who are the prime stakeholders ) .
6 It is also concerned to avoid any precedent being established locally which might have serious and deleterious implications for the rural environment generally .
7 Buildings must have no sharp edges etc. which might cause injury .
8 May be very sensitive to all external stimuli ; odours , touch noise , cold etc. which can lead to exhaustion .
9 Related to this is of course the general sexist bias throughout the educational system whereby from an early age girls are discouraged from taking subjects such as maths and science , etc. which could lead to high status apprenticeship training and further education in the science and technology fields .
10 If the person has not made a will then the process usually takes a good deal longer which may mean that a whole range of practical issues are held in abeyance whilst the situation is resolved .
11 All incoming graduate students ( including non-ESRC funded students ) are expected to participate unless they have already completed a Master 's or equivalent coursework elsewhere which would allow them to claim exemption from some or all requirements .
12 3.9 further undertakes to report to promptly all instances of activities of which is aware by third parties in the Territory and elsewhere which could have any effect on the validity of 's Trade Marks including :
13 Lacking form , these movements had failed in 1848 — 50 , but now they would be given shape and direction by a monarchical revolution from above which would establish Prussian pre-eminence in Germany .
14 And I liken that to the power from above which can execute our sinful selves .
15 and th the so called democratic , you know , choice of all these poli , all these MP 's and what not which would comprise parliament and government and head of the Tory party at the time you know i it really their voices on the , on the the cabinet you know , they were , they were just destroyed !
16 There 's going to be new legislation soon which will make it dead easy for landlords to kick tenants out and I 've had enough of all this as it is . ’
17 This will be followed by a posting ashore which will set the pattern of your career with sea and shore appointments alternating .
18 They also tend to ‘ use up ’ remedies quickly which may need repeating several times an hour at first but always according to the changes in the symptom picture .
19 The two sides announced a deal yesterday which will enable the information to reach all punters via newspapers from September 7 .
20 Insurance is available quite cheaply which would safeguard you in such an event .
21 In 1800 there were no access roads , no mountain rescue , no way of keeping dry or changing wet clothes until returning home which might take three days .
22 There 's a lot of stuff happening nationally which could affect us , and for the sake of eighteen months we might be as well waiting .
23 Thus , by the very beginning of 1947 , and well before ‘ containment ’ , the Marshall plan and the Zhdanov doctrine drew the battle lines between Russia and the US in Europe and in general it may be seen that a framework of impressions , intentions , hopes and misunderstandings was being thrown up which would support US policy towards Vietnam for the next 20 years and under whose weight it would ultimately collapse .
24 Mr Pienaar 's spokesman said : ‘ The Administrator-General is very disturbed that with the evidence at our disposal we realise that a situation could be building up which could lead to the ultimate defeat of the aims and objectives of Resolution 435 . ’
25 Regular cleaning of the keyboard should prevent dirt build up which can lead to sticking or non-operative keys .
26 A company , Indigenous Plants of Ireland , has been set up which will test the market with some 40,000 plants over this year 's St Patrick 's Day season .
27 To be effective therefore a framework must be set up which will allow expense to be apportioned and identified and variations detected .
28 He or she may have several diseases concurrently which will complicate nursing care .
29 Your experience of previous similar texts in the 1970s may have familiarised you with the form X rule OK which may permit you to divide this unpunctuated sequence into two parts :
30 Now , now it would 've been easier for you , the , the part that you missed out which would have brought all that in to play would have been how much do you want to pay , do you wan na pay a , a small amount over a long time or a big amount over a short time and then that would 've brought that into play .
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