Example sentences of "[adv] as [pers pn] has " in BNC.

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1 MUCH AS he has been donning the hornrimmed glasses and adopting his Clark Kent persona of late , Curtly Ambrose has few equals when it comes to persuading a cricket ball to move faster than a speeding bullet or leap tall batsmen in a single bound .
2 These considerations hold out some hope that , while the problem of maintaining lead times will remain serious , it will remain a manageable problem , much as it has in the past .
3 And Joanna 's bones have strengthened naturally as she has grown older .
4 The allowance is given from the date of bereavement to the end of that tax year , and for the following year so long as she has not remarried by the start of that year .
5 Barry Quirke , chairman of the Institute of Statisticians , said : ‘ We would be very keen to support any initiative to set up an independent committee , so long as it has teeth .
6 But America will be right to say no , as long as it has worries about its own inflation .
7 His position could be summed up as saying that so long as it has not been established beyond doubt that God does not exist , we should believe in God .
8 The good news is that the most common infestation , by the woodworm — or anobium punctatum or furniture beetle , call it what you will — can be treated , so long as it has not gone too far into the timbers , at a cost of a few hundred pounds .
9 Any one of us may also apprehend an individual whom we know to be , or whom we have reasonable grounds for suspecting to be , guilty of such an offence as long as it has been committed .
10 We did n't expect it to last as long as it has , and were hoping for some relief by the end of the year .
11 NEXT loops execute at integer speed whether or not the control variable is an " integer variable " ( % type ) , so long as it has an integer value .
12 Even a 25-year-old male with a couple of speeding convictions leaving the car on the street in a high-risk area can expect to pay only £424 per year , so long as he has a five-year no-claims bonus .
13 ( 4 ) An applicant shall not be treated as having failed to comply with subsection ( 2 ) ( b ) above if the notice is , without any fault or intention of his , removed , obscured or defaced before the first day of the meeting of the board at which the application is to be considered , so long as he has taken reasonable steps for its protection and , if need be , replacement .
14 The control room , although just workable , is very cramped ( especially as it has had to take on committee work ) .
15 Earthscan should be congratulated for its initiative , especially as it has managed to produce readable technical material .
16 They also object on the grounds that , while Sotheby 's disclaims any ownership interest in the treasure and was merely the agent for Lord Northampton , they are by no means convinced that this is the case , especially as it has come to light during the discovery process that the former chairman of Sotheby 's , the late Peter Wilson , played the leading role in the treasure 's acquisition and had a share in its value , inherited by his sons , Thomas and Philip .
17 Another thing is that he himself might not be able to afford to send her the money , especially as he has a young family . ’
18 Especially as he has been getting a rough deal from some sections of the crowd .
19 I know this will be unpopular especially as he has won the League but I just feel he does n't handle ALL his players well .
20 Confronted with his certainty so much stronger than her own , disorientation and alienation defusing lack of desire , she gives in as she has done before .
21 I respect them , especially so as he has just come from South Africa .
22 We value this regular service highly as it has been a source of up-to-date information which is readily available on a weekly basis .
23 ‘ I would have been interested in Porter if Michael had not come through as he has , ’ he said .
24 When the banner of religion is raised as a banner of politics , blood will flow , just as it has done in Belfast , Beirut and Colombo .
25 President Nyerere of Tanzania ( as we shall see in greater detail later ) has taken the view that , in a country faced with problems of poverty , ignorance , disease and underdevelopment on a gigantic scale , press freedom should be limited just as it has been in the liberal democracies in wartime .
26 And just as it has been designed to satisfy their requirements ( not always necessarily with equal success ) , they come to find themselves serving its interests .
27 about all things , and as that anointing is real , not counterfeit , just as it has taught you , remain in him .
28 It has an appalling unemployment record , just as it has had since the war an appalling national health service waiting list record .
29 Just as it has been possible to insert beneficial genes into crop plants , there is scope for eliminating , replacing or masking certain genes which have a deleterious effect on crop production .
30 ‘ One of my regrets is leaving this project just as it has started to get off the ground , ’ said Det Insp Williams , who started out as a PC in the Cheshire Constabulary in 1963 .
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