Example sentences of "[adv] by [art] time " in BNC.

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1 Once the trough had flooded to a manageable width , the boys would swim for it , usually finishing up about one hundred yards upstream by the time they had struggled through the rough water and reached the home bank .
2 They 'd gone to the loo together by the time I joined Bunny .
3 The shadows had grown long by the time Sandy McGlashan came back from Anderson 's howff .
4 because , you know , erm , most kids these days , especially by the time they 're nine or ten , they 're used to having their own pocket money , and then you , and they say they ca n't do any maths at all , and you say well , if you had a fifty pence and you bought something for twenty four , how much change ?
5 It was a little after ten o'clock by the time the three men gathered in the council chamber over the post office and unrolled the plans on the long oak table .
6 It must have been eleven o'clock by the time we sat down to eat .
7 It was nearly five o'clock by the time she made it back up to the house , which was thankfully empty .
8 And , as she had invited her to have another look around , it was almost seven o'clock by the time Leith turned into the select avenue of her present home .
9 He was already inside and sitting himself down by the time I spoke .
10 Slorne had already calmed down by the time Creggan and Minch had finished speaking and the following evening the Sweeper came and she was calm again .
11 If James has n't come down by the time you get back , I promise to go and get you a drink , my darling , dearest , demanding wife . ’
12 I 'd of been jumping up and down by the time I got to the
13 ‘ She trimmed up the north and east hedgerow quite nicely by the time I went up , Saturday lunchtime .
14 Most are speaking , walking and managing very nicely by the time they are three .
15 Only I went to Donald Stewart 's smithy and Mary was there , chatting to her mother , so by the time I had fixed things up with Donald and went along to Grandtully to explain the plan to Alex , Mary had already gone back and told him .
16 We have three separate heaps , side by side , so by the time we use the compost it is three years old , having been turned once each year .
17 So by the time each chapter has been read , the questions after each section answered , the knowledge review after each module completed , the final quiz and the video and class lectures undertaken , you know it pretty well .
18 Ron normally allows his athletes two weeks off , so by the time I arrived back at West London Stadium they were well into winter training .
19 I started playing when I was seven , so by the time The Stones happened it was not difficult for me to play , so I could appreciate it for the music alone .
20 The atmosphere became charged within minutes of their arrival and the day was spent in frantic dashes , nerve-shattering band calls , fraught costume fittings and infuriating sound checks , so by the time I booked into my Albany Hotel suite at 6 o'clock I felt exhausted .
21 We are moving to Surrey on the 24th October , so by the time you read this we will actually have moved !
22 So by the time you 've played around with type sizes , switched fonts and merged text with graphics the whole document is beginning to take on a whole new look .
23 Other ears heard the transmission , so by the time the force arrived at the target it was covered by a very effective smokescreen .
24 It does sound as through some of the rhythmic inflexions have lost their spontaneity and solidified into mannerisms ( they had already done so by the time of the 1978 Vienna Festival account once available on EMI ) .
25 So by the time he was fourteen he could speak it well enough to ask to be sent to normal high school in Paris .
26 I 'm defiantly proud to point out that I did thirteen drafts of Wanda and that I 've been writing comedy professionally since ‘ 63 , so by the time I was writing Wanda it was 24 years .
27 At that time the navigator and bombardier starting going on missions because evidently they were short so by the time the Gdynia mission came around the bombardier and the , and the er navigator had missions under their belt so this was to be my first mission .
28 So by the time you 've finished that mega-report for the MD on the 6:30 from Newark , you need some way of shifting the hulking brute from laptop to desktop that does n't involve circular bits of plastic .
29 So by the time an actual ( although as it turned out farcical ) landing took place in North Wales on 25 February , there was little gold in the chest to meet massive withdrawing .
30 His car was instantly recognizable , as was his profile , so by the time he drew to a halt there were three men waiting to do his bidding .
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