Example sentences of "[adv] ask for an " in BNC.

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1 Treasury Counsel announced that the Secretary of State for the Environment was now inclined to take the view that the statue was not part of the listed building , and so asked for an adjournment .
2 I am merely asking for an extension of the logic which is already so well known to Marsham street .
3 My predecessor Patrick Jenkin had sensibly asked for an examination of the different ways that European countries financed their health care .
4 Having to laugh when everyone else does so as not to appear stupid , hoping no one would be shrewd enough to ask for an explanation .
5 About eight or 10 chief constables are not asking for an increase in police forces for next year — — and I shall be glad to send the right hon. Gentleman a list .
6 The family has already asked for an investigation into her death by officials at Winterton psychiatric hospital , Sedgefield , from which she was discharged for weekend leave a day before she died on Sunday .
7 Crew arriving by air to join a yacht are not normally asked for an onward ticket : however , nationals who need visas for Spain should have a letter from the owner of the yacht stating that the crew is joining the yacht at Las Palmas .
8 Second , most lawyers take on cases on the basis that they will not ask for an upfront fee , but a percentage of the amount of damages won instead — often as much as 40% .
9 Even then , the Attorney-General did not ask for an adjournment to enable the House of Commons to consider the matter .
10 I would agree with him , but then when did caterers ever ask for an easy life ?
11 And that is why some of their more prominent members are now asking for an SEC .
12 Managers are now asking for an independant review of both incidents .
13 The Kurdish leaders reportedly asked for an arms supply route to be opened through Turkey to assist the Kurdish insurrection in northern Iraq .
14 Christie , so adept at getting the aid of Administration for his own business , knew exactly where to look for help , and approached Lord Ilay through his deputy , Lord Milton , and without any attempt to bargain simply asked for an appointment for his son , promising that it would ‘ forever laye me under the deepest obligationes ’ .
15 He then asked for an adjournment of the conference if agreement was not possible .
16 Therefore , I recommend either giving the instrument a thorough test , or else asking for an opinion by an optical expert .
17 I then subsequently asked for an iris to be put into the Dalek so that we could do a close up of the eye irising in and out to get the effect of its eye focussing on you .
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