Example sentences of "[adv] on to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He turned right into Caldecott Road , left into Howard 's Avenue , right on to Mainwaring Road and up the wide thoroughfare that led to Wimbledon Hill .
2 I could not bear to see him suffer and so I threw myself wholeheartedly on to Nonni 's side , arguing passionately that my aunts ' lack of interest in day-to-day matters was a boring affectation ; that Nonni was much more ‘ real ’ and ‘ closer to life ’ .
3 The child struggled gamely on to page two but Seemed to suspect that , after a page turn of this quality , anything else was liable to be an anti-climax .
4 The sun , incandescent orange , dropped slowly on to pier 56 and made the buttes of mid-town Manhattan shine like fool 's gold .
5 Bawiti was a village of crooked streets and blank-walled houses which faced inward on to courtyards .
6 So on to greyhounds a little earlier than usual , it 's the quarter final of the prestigious Pall Mall at Oxford Stadium tonight , the meeting starts at seven thirty .
7 However , it may be possible to direct southbound traffic only on to Woolmer Road , while maintaining northbound traffic on the existing A325 .
8 Trace the templates ( see overleaf ) on to non-stick paper , then re-trace the outlines only on to pieces of firm card so that you have a paper and card template of each shape .
9 We climbed in on to plank benches , and in a moment we were off .
10 Moving swiftly on to London and the ITN Newsdesk .
11 Moving swiftly on to London and the ITN Newsdesk .
12 Do not make the mistake of putting the two sets of shoulder stitches back to working position and running the whole lot together on to waste yarn as this can be a nuisance when you need to unravel parts of the waste yarn while you join the shoulders together .
13 ‘ Of course , the more snow , the more avalanches come down on to roads and into the valleys , but it is skiers who are normally most at risk . ’
14 The chats sound untutored and Cockney , but there 's depth here : ‘ Ununited Kingdom ’ puts down on to vinyl some of the chaos of London life , the violent , wasteful mess of street trouble — not that you can hear it too clearly .
15 The sky and the trees pressed down on to Léonie 's face .
16 just after the third stile , path goes over footbridge and drops down on to shore , where turn left .
17 For lid sitting down on to container , the single excursion in the container relationship must be opposite to that for the lid and one of the possible five in the other relationship .
18 They pushed their way through the morning crowd : monks , friars , hucksters and pedlars , ignoring the shouts and screams of the city as they turned into Fish Hill Street which led down on to London Bridge .
19 SHe lay back , pulling Tammuz' head down on to hir breast , where he closed his eyes in a relief that was , strangely , both enervating and exhilarating .
20 Right down on to Street now .
21 Gently , he brought his face down on to Joe 's and kissed him on his lips .
22 And , even as I hurled the word down on to paper in my headlong rush , I could n't help correcting his solecism .
23 But ten minutes later , as Frau Nordern was drifting off into an uneasy slumber , Herr Nordern was still at his desk , staring into the darkness , the end of his cigar glowing like a red warning signal as the snow drifted down on to Berlin , and his family , and the city , slept .
24 He drove with fierce concentration , and sometimes his fierceness spilled over on to the passengers — especially on to Barbara , who sat beside him and navigated .
25 The two machines , one for Britain and one for France , were handed over and it was to be Bertrand 's responsibility to transport one to Paris and so on to London in the French diplomatic bag .
26 Lloyd now hopes the handclapping special will help the red and whites to victory in the semi-final and so on to Wembley .
27 Preferences bring us to Regan who is rightfully critical of the counter-intuitive implications of Frey 's blanket denials of beliefs , desires , perceptions , emotions , and so on to animals and is at great pains to stress their similarities of behaviour to that of human beings .
28 If material 1 appeared in its condition 1 form in sequence 1 , then it appeared in its condition 2 form in sequence 2 , and so on to sequence 8 .
29 It was the sharp turn , together with the speed of his driving , which flung Miss Beard over on to Ruth , and her sharp squeal as it happened which brought Ruth back to reality .
30 The fun of the live set crossed over on to tape and the guitar-bashing spirit of The Wedding Present was captured perfectly .
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