Example sentences of "[adv] at the last " in BNC.

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1 It is usual to make specific provision for service of such notices , eg at the last known home address of a partner , in a way that will afford evidence that it has been duly given ( eg by registered delivery , entry in the firm 's post book etc ) .
2 The political pilgrim should not stumble through backstreets and alleys with only glimpses of his goal , then suddenly at the last moment find all revealed ; rather he should approach it in awe , aware of its enormous size from a great distance .
3 Or walk out and let you down at the last minute . ’
4 Mr Clark , 64 , who stood down at the last election , had assured him that he had not advised companies to conceal military use when preparing export licence applications .
5 Three times through the winter , Cascade had been within days of being fully formed , only to fall down at the last minute .
6 Chris , Marius and the Swiss who had come from Lille were here ; Alex had been turned down at the last moment on a medical detail .
7 He was never remotely stumped when an item went down at the last moment and the presenter was left with a minute to fill .
8 And he blames AC Scotland for the sabotaging of his plans to raise a second round of finance by stockbrokers in Europe who let him down at the last minute .
9 Disadvantages : She may not have had much experience looking after young children ; she may let you down at the last minute if something else crops up — like a boyfriend .
10 Perhaps at the last moment an angel will appear .
11 He had been on the point of hiding in the kiosk : only at the last moment had he dived beneath it .
12 It was only at the last moment that the real or unreal nature of an escape project was finally determined .
13 Only at the last minute , by forced marches , would it suddenly make for the Channel coast .
14 There were many cases where Bloomsbury House was involved not at all , or only at the last moment when it was generally too late to offer any constructive help .
15 A second date was set for last Monday , when Mr Connelly was again told of the cancellation only at the last minute .
16 Only at the last minute , at the station , did she seem sad again .
17 Only at the last moment , when he 'd been recognized in turn , did Zen realize that it was Daniele Miletti .
18 ‘ Four faults , ’ crackled the public address system as the little bright-bay mare failed to tuck her hind feet up quite high enough at the last bar of the treble .
19 He did so at the last moment when the Unionists agreed not to oppose Henderson .
20 When it comes to that though there will be people from other green parties who who 'll be looking for accommodation so at the last minute we can
21 The basic recipe is a reduction of white wine and brown fond de veau lié with a julienne of gherkins and mustard stirred in at the last moment .
22 BA is keeping its distance from attempts by Stephen Wolf and Jay Pritzker to revive the bidding consortium , but there are still hopes in the US that it could be persuaded to step in at the last minute to add weight to a new bid .
23 She explained : ‘ I was called in at the last minute to help style a photographic session for Kylie about 18 months ago and it went from there .
24 However , to illustrate my belief that nothing has really changed , while I was taking a few notes from a caddie in Montpellier in the south of France — he was telling me how ‘ we 'd hit a great pitch in at the last ’ — I happened to notice the sign above the caddie shack .
25 Every September we have the small ad hoc Cabinet committee known as the ‘ Star Chamber ’ [ MISC 62 ] in which Lord Whitelaw sits down and tries to bang heads together , and then the Prime Minister comes in at the last minute and bangs heads together even more .
26 They were all sitting there staring at me and Monsieur de Levantiére said , ‘ This is Constance , who has kindly stepped in at the last moment . ’
27 Yes , it 's disappointing , but when someone comes in at the last minute then the adrenalin flows and you can have a very lively show .
28 Not by someone else stepping in at the last moment .
29 ‘ If you 'll wash the lettuce I 'll make my special dressing and we could pick some wild sorrel and chop it in at the last minute . ’
30 ‘ I used dried ones and I 'm going to put some frozen ones in at the last minute . ’
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