Example sentences of "[adv] at the [num] " in BNC.

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1 The President gazed thoughtfully at the two dispatches lying on his desk .
2 We may regret some inevitable omissions — but a fair conspectus of Ferrier 's repertory has been preserved for posterity with the one great regret — the absence of her Angel in Gerontius , which I heard her sing under Barbirolli so memorably at the 1952 Edinburgh Festival .
3 The Woman loomed over the group , tall and brown and smiling down at the two mops of black hair — one over a quizzical smile and the other over a scowl .
4 he looked down at the two hands locked onto his arm and then at the small man hurrying on ahead , and realized that he still had his chaperons , and once again they were not of his own choosing …
5 She looked down at the two pink roses , the green spray of fern .
6 She was looking down at the two children , her face animated as she turned the page of the book on her lap .
7 ‘ They tell me betting-shops are littered with torn-up betting-slips , ’ said Morse , as he looked down at the two pink slips that Ashenden had handed to him .
8 Although the formwork was quite heavy , we pegged it down at the four corners as a precaution .
9 Which is a four hundred yards and it was an inset , the top hard seam was ninety yards lower down at the four hundred and ninety yards to the And the High Hazel used to have an inset .
10 I looked down at the four orange cards on the counter , lining them up evenly .
11 Then the wizard looked down at the six big coins in his hand .
12 I heard Mr Loveitt say summat like it with his own lips , and the landlord down at the Seven Stars . ’
13 Chen pulled up sharply , almost thudding into Karr who stood there , his hands clenched at his sides , his great chest rising and falling heavily as he stared down at the three prone gangsters .
14 My own feeling is that there is a great similarity and that there is a a base salary normally which is set on a competitive level with a target as in this case perhaps at the mid-point , perhaps at the sixty percent level or whatever it would be and that a significant uplift in compensation can be obtained by a bonus scheme , if the performance of the company as measured in earnings per share , return on capital , return on equity or any m other measure if those objectives are met .
15 He was leaning against the casualty department door leering at the nurse who was dabbing gently at the three parallel scratches on Martin 's face .
16 Until 30 years ago there were recognised world champions only at the eight classical fighting weights ( in bold print in the table ) .
17 Phosphorus concentrations were measured only at the four sites listed .
18 ( Only at the two poles of human relationship , where there are no words , or no more words , in the looking and the embracing , is happiness really to be found , for only there lie unconditional surrender , freedom , mystery and profound irresponsibility . )
19 how to distinguish a statistically significant coefficient , right , rule of thumb is that the T ratio has to be greater than two with absolute value right and the figures in square brackets next to the T ratios tell us the exact level of significance , right , er of that coefficient , right , so the incoming elasticity of demand is statistically significant from zero only at the eighty five percent level , a correspondence of fifteen percent significance that incoming the price elasticity demand , highly significant , right , significance level as given by the probabil by the probability er unit in square brackets , the timing level therefore we could be very highly confident about that coefficient okay .
20 Palmer 's guess , recorded in his notebooks of 13 March , was that the rocks had catalysed the fusion , and so at the 7 April meeting the group discussed various metals that could be prime candidates for the process .
21 Right , well we , we have something which would actually solve that , erm , which would be of benefit to you , and would actually cut in at the six month period , and would continue paying your policy and your premiums , until your retirement age if necessary .
22 Weld has left three in at the four day stage with Steel Chimes looking the most probable runner .
23 Wycliffe had been booked in at the one hotel which remained open through the year .
24 eh , the same number on four lines , but if were want to go out four people were to phone in at the one time
25 He smiled charmingly at the two committee men .
26 Mauer looked distastefully at the half-dozen overflowing bins and wondered where the man got the nerve to talk about hygienic conditions .
27 Meanwhile , as ministers ' eyes glaze over at the thousand ‘ what ifs ’ thrown up by war , they would do well to remember Lord Salisbury 's deflatingly modest dictum from more than a century ago : ‘ The first object of a treaty of peace should be to make a future war improbable . ’
28 Graham grinned looking over at the two Art School girls , who were now sitting on the floor on the other side of the room , talking to each other .
29 But Anne Dawson and Wesley Smith are waiting , over at the Three Counties Show in Malvern .
30 When you begin to think about it you grow dizzy , your stomach turns over , not just at the commercialism of it all , but at the aestheticism of it all , not just at the chequebooks but at the Intelligent Conversations , not just at the fifty percent but at the Sensitive Responses , not just at the winks and nods but at the Hushed Silence in the Presence of Art .
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