Example sentences of "[adv] not a great " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps not a great deal , but at least a glimmer !
2 well there 's only not a great deal , I mean there 's a load in there already done , I think , is it done ?
3 Not not not a great deal I mean I 'd like possibly to try and stay in erm the field of archaeology to some
4 No doubt his model was better , and the Niobid Painter 's Peirithous is not so bad though still not a great success .
5 Its absence is probably not a great loss to the exhibit , but the museum 's efforts to obtain a sample involved a trip to Munich !
6 Despite their preponderance in numbers still — for probably not a great many had been slain — fleeing in all directions as they had done , horseless and with few if any senior commanders , it was all but inconceivable that they could re-form and offer any coherent opposition .
7 Probably not a great deal but it 's a loose end tied up .
8 I 'm really not a great buyer — if I ca n't wear it and I ca n't eat it , then I 'm not that bothered .
9 So coming back more specifically to Selby , and taking er Mr Curtis 's ball-park figure of of seventeen hundred , erm now already we 've we 've got approximately eight hundred and fifty committed in terms of a hundred and eighty con er completions , five hundred and sixty permissions including conversions , and a hundred and ten dwellings identified on a site at Elvington in in the Greater York study , and there 's really not a great deal more flexibility , erm , because of the greenbelt constraint .
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