Example sentences of "[adv] to [noun prp] from " in BNC.

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1 To get down to Ballycastle from here you have to return to the road , but before reaching the town you pass the well-preserved ruins of the Franciscan Bonamargy Friary , dating from about 1500 .
2 IBM also announced that 35 marketing , finance and planning jobs are moving into Boca as it transfers the headquarters of its Latin American personal computer operation down to Florida from Mount Pleasant , New York by September .
3 White duly came down to London from his home in Wolverhampton — he is the senior member of a remarkable quartet of Elvis Gordon , Dennis Stewart and the banned Kerrith Brown who have all won medals at world level , yet all train in the back room of an Edwardian bath house .
4 And we travelled down to Brighton from London and met in his home George Albert Smith , who was then in his nineties , a charming old man , very good-looking , and very , very interested to share his experiences of the past with us , and I remember he showed us his account books .
5 He used to go down to Cardiff from London for big games , rarely missing an International unless someone like Hamlet intervened .
6 At Shiel Bridge , at the head of Loch Duich , the road climbs west up into Ratagan Forest and up through Glen More , emerging out onto a short Jack-and-the-Beanstalk plateau , and then hard and drearily down to Glenelg from whose shore the Isle of Skye across the Sound of Sleat may almost be reached by fingertip .
7 I am particularly pleased that Aunt Alice managed to make the long journey down to Surrey from Aberdeen for this occasion , and we are all delighted that Annabelle 's sister , Sharon , flew all the way from Australia to join us and be such a charming bridesmaid .
8 At times Great Chaos beasts find a way down to Avelorn from the Annulii and ravage the land , but they are swiftly and ruthlessly hunted down by the Everqueen 's would-be consorts in an effort to gain her favour .
9 On both sides of the Atlantic , friends of the smooth-talking Texan still remark on the flood of calls that poured in to Wyatt from the Duchess .
10 When I met her at the airport after she flew in to London from Los Angeles recently , I caught my breath when I saw her because she just looked so lovely .
11 They came in to Chernay from the sea .
12 So on their way back from Reading Dexter had swung in to Southall from the motorway and parked in a side-street .
13 At the age of fifteen Ken ran away to California from his Texas home when his parents locked up his surfboard .
14 Take A55 to St. Asapah , skirt bottom of Denbigh and go on through to Ruthin from which A525 will lead you through the delightful Nantygarth Pass .
15 She put a call through to Roirbak from her room as soon as the others had left , advising him she 'd be over with her protégés within the hour .
16 By the early 1780s the spirit of the Enlightenment , emphasizing individual freedom and status , was filtering through to Austria from pre-Revolutionary France .
17 I do n't know the reasons , I 'm only guessing , but the fact remains that a group captain , no less , came over to Bourn from Huntingdon to attend our squadron 's briefing , and then decided he wanted to go on the mission too .
18 The Fauves , who owed more to Gauguin from a purely pictorial standpoint , inherited from him some of the spontaneity and decorative rhythms of Polynesian art ; and by 1907 both Matisse and Derain had absorbed into their own work some of the formal properties of tribal sculpture .
19 A patrol saw her weaving across a dual carriageway as she drove home to Abergavenny from Oakfield Primary School in Pontypool , South Wales .
20 The vessel is described as being about six inches tall and it has been suggested that it may have been used as a chalice , and it might have originated in Spain or Syria and been brought home to England from one of the Crusades .
21 FREED prisoner Karl Maxwell-Smith flew home to Britain from Thailand yesterday — and met his granddaughter and her mum for the first time .
22 Richard Baxter , on his way home to Shropshire from London , also narrowly missed death .
23 Kind people ON Friday , May 28 , I was on my way home to Maghull from Central Station when I had a very nasty fall on the escalator .
24 In his dream it was he who was driving home to Nunes from Colchester , not Goblander though , but the car he had now , the Granada .
25 HOMER Scott , an Ulsterman who trains in the Irish Republic , came home to Kildare from Cheltenham a fortnight ago with the air of a man returning from a job well done .
26 Thirty-seven year old Michael Hughes , who was married with five children , was driving home to Glasgow from the enquiry in Dumfries , when he collided with a lorry .
27 A stream of riders passed on reliable donkeys , making their way home to Bawiti from the outlying springs .
28 Stan Charlton joined Crystal Palace FC from Exeter City in the summer of 1928 , linking up again with his former manager at St James Park , Fred Maven , who had moved up to London from Devon in November 1927 .
29 In most cases they did not go far or , if they did , the paths from their region to the city had been well-trodden by kinsmen and neighbours , like the hawkers and seasonal building workers who had long been in the habit of coming up to Paris from central France , whose numbers grew with the constructional work of Paris until , after 1870 , they turned from seasonal into permanent migrants .
30 I 'm not sure No I 'm not sure I agree with that because I mean area goes right up to Birmingham from the south and it be made multi-regional , multi-locational accounts within Southern England and London which are big accounts
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