Example sentences of "[adv] have [be] as " in BNC.

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1 Wicked episodes were often brought to my attention , but nothing either then or since has been as evil as the man Beck .
2 Taken as a whole , the cost of capital in Japan in 1988–93 will not have been as low as it seemed .
3 Secondly , the reformed monasteries of the tenth century were of necessity largely aristocratic in composition , and had they been perceived to have no function in aristocratic society , they could not have been as successful as they were .
4 Had the recession been staved off for longer , support for the Scottish Nationalists — now at 31 p.c. in the polls and only seven points behind Labour — might not have been as strong .
5 These differing responses , the fundamental cause of most of the wars of history , were not necessarily taken with a knowledge of the effect that they would ultimately have , for at the relevant time the choice would not have been as clear to those making them , as it would be to minds educated to standards prevailing centuries later .
6 You see , I would be teased a lot at school because I may not have been as quick as the others , but Bernard never joined in .
7 This was true , in a way , and his saying it made me sympathetic and tearful , but on the other hand I knew that if I had told him , his attitude would not have been as indulgent as he was pretending now .
8 She might not have been as glamorous as the great vessels loaded with equally glamorous cargo , but she was just as important in her own way .
9 During his time in the Army he had been exemplary as far as conduct in battle and general discipline were concerned , but he would not have been as traditional a British soldier as he was if he had n't stretched a principle or two during life in barracks .
10 ‘ I might not have been as good as other Yorkshire left-arm spinners like Hedley Verity or Wilfred Rhodes , but perhaps my name can be mentioned alongside them .
11 Though the overall level may not have been as spectacular as it has in years past , the show has built itself quite a substantial following , and most dealers reported ‘ okay ’ business .
12 If this behaviour represents a national trend then the influence of these guidelines on the sample doctors ' behaviour may not have been as pronounced as the study suggests .
13 Without slave labour the plantations of sugar and cotton could not have been as rapidly developed .
14 Last night 's lovemaking had changed everything for Sarella herself ; she had never guessed it could be like that , and she could n't imagine that it might not have been as earth-shattering for Marc too .
15 ‘ It might not have been as simple as that . ’
16 Even the weather co-operated , but could not have been as warm as the welcome extended to us by staff and students .
17 It would thus have been as applicable to a teacher , for example , as to a practitioner of any manual skill .
18 Even though the annual value of these rights could hardly have been as much as £100,000 a year , the Company was ready to outdo the Bank of England and the East India Company and take on £9½m. of the National Debt , which would have been about a quarter of the total outstanding after the Treaty of Utrecht .
19 If Jesus numbered such figures as Simon the Zealot and Judas the Sicarius among his followers , those followers can hardly have been as placid and peaceable as later tradition maintains .
20 It seems likely that there was a greater abundance of water in the past , though it is unlikely ever to have been as large as the abundance of water on the Earth .
21 There can never have been a field of research in which the likelihood that people would make similar discoveries almost simultaneously has been as great .
22 the Third Rebuild turns out to have been as essential , as submissive to political and financial circumstances , as its predecessors .
23 All at once one of the birds — it seemed enormous to the child , but may well have been as small as a sparrow — flew into the air and fluttered past the pushchair , its wings actually brushing the little girl 's face .
24 In fact , the effect on all forms of life may well have been as devastating as the ‘ nuclear winter ’ which will occur should the nations of Earth ever engage in a nuclear war .
25 He had it then , as clear as a map of a well-charted route unfolded on the captain 's table , what lay in store for him and for the settlement ; though the islanders had not burned wet leaves and swelled white smoke into a pillar of cloud to issue a warning , the signal might as well have been as clear .
26 She did n't quite , but what she did understand was that she hated this woman , and the thought momentarily came to her that that man would n't surely have been as bad as this mean-faced nun .
27 I should n't have been as thin as this .
28 Kicking the Sheraton cabinet quietly had been as far as he had ever gone in destructiveness .
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