Example sentences of "[adv] to each [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This proposal , rejected by Iran as failing to address the issue of troop withdrawals to internationally recognised boundaries , involved ( i ) direct talks between Iran and Iraq in each other 's capitals under UN auspices ; ( ii ) the unconditional release of all sick and wounded prisoners of war ( PoWs ) ; and ( iii ) the opening of the Iran-Iraq borders to allow the resumption of civilian travel , especially to each other 's Islamic shrines .
2 Yet saying aloud to each other 's face , ‘ We do n't want to remain together in the next life ’ would amount to saying , ‘ No love ever existed between us , and no love exists between us now . ’
3 Then your mother and grandmother read its scandals aloud to each other in the kitchen , with a monotonous note of sustained outrage that was never sated .
4 They are looking through the directory board in the foyer of the RCA building , reading aloud to each other all the names of firms they find ridiculous ( ‘ How about this ?
5 You may work out that the two holes have to be of a suitable size for an individual ( ? ) to put two fingers in , possibly near enough to each other to put two fingers of the same hand in , and , having established this scale , it seems likely that the object referred to as the finger stop is only centimetres removed , rather than kilometres removed .
6 Looseknit networks are hard to deal with chiefly because a multi-valued speaker variable like social network involves comparing speakers who differ from each other in certain respects — let us say in respect of the multiplexity of the ties which they have contracted at the workplace — but are still similar enough to each other in other related respects to make such a comparison meaningful .
7 But no allegations would be made against any individuals , and it would be down to each authority to decide whether to make inquiries with Leicestershire police or social services .
8 And there are eight words that need to be fitted in to each day .
9 The marriage ceremony involves a couple in a public contract — a legal commitment to each other and only to each other , bigamy being a punishable crime .
10 The only two who wore soutanes talked only to each other .
11 Kennel Club chairman Mr John McDougall has assured me , personally , that the new rules are already in force : Six litters only to each bitch , and none after the age of eight .
12 War is financed by industry , and the power in any land , behind any throne , behind Hitler or behind our own democracy , is a body of immensely wealthy men whose allegiance is ultimately to their wealth , and perhaps to each other .
13 Importantly , the test relates separately to each investment in relation to which the customer is to be treated as an expert , and previous dealings in the investment concerned may not in fact be necessary .
14 and then they went off and talking away to each other , it was , it was lovely .
15 like when we 're all sitting in the front room at night and then they sa I think they chirp away to each other quite happily , you know .
16 All adjoining panels should be pressed evenly together ensuring all the panels are aligned squarely to each other .
17 ‘ Then why ca n't we keep on talking until we finally get through to each other ? ’
18 The complete absence of tension in their home and the privacy to talk in the evenings , just to each other , drove home to them as nothing else could have done , what a strain they had been under while Sarah and Ann Butler had lived with them ,
19 The hens moved carefully about , picking their way on their spindly yellow legs , muttering comfortably to each other and darting their heads to the ground every so often in pursuit of something delicious .
20 The girlfriends and wives of the young officers were pretty , well-bred girls who leant over to each other and laughed a lot as they waited for the ceremony to start .
21 He then generally obliged the heirs and entrusted to them that they should give and make over to each person whatever he had left them .
22 If it is , you would have to write individually to each institution ( gaining the addresses from relevant directories ) asking about their past programmes .
23 This in turn frees a couple to listen sensitively to each other .
24 It would link countries that are almost all big international debtors — and so need to increase exports to third countries , not to each other .
25 Two of our members have married during the year Peter and Denise not to each other I hasten to add
26 The massacres would not be right from his viewpoint and wrong from theirs , he would be objectively right to kill and they to resist being killed ; the parallel would be to two contenders for a job both being right to apply in the eyes of all , not to each thinking himself right to apply and the other wrong .
27 Close to each boundary , however , becomes much smaller — the boundary conditions require it to be zero right at the walls — and the second term of ( 22.11 ) must become much larger .
28 He became convinced that the horses were sensing his moods and feelings and were anticipating his wishes through telepathy , and he proved its existence by using pairs of closely bonded or empathic horses ( horses who were mentally and emotionally close to each other ) in a series of experiments .
29 Henry Blake experimentally proved the existence of empathy between horses through using pairs of closely bonded horses who were mentally and emotionally close to each other ; and he discovered that horses could communicate with some horses through empathy , but not with others .
30 You need only one landing net , one keepnet , one set of scales , etc. if you fish close to each other .
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